BG 74 Göttingen Basketball Team Faces Threat of Elimination: Urgent Appeal for Additional Funding

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    Soon a picture that will no longer exist? Richard Crowder’s daughter Jenny (with mask) in the Bundesliga game against Nördlingen’s Marian Hasle Lagemann. © Hubert Jelinek/gsd

    Bad news from the Bundesliga basketball players from BG 74 Göttingen! The Medical Instinct Veilchen Ladies are threatened with elimination in the first league because they fall short of the minimum budget by a good 50,000 euros.

    Göttingen – After the BG 74 managed to stay in the league in the women’s basketball Bundesliga (DBBL) with a minimalist budget last season as promoted teams, the license application for the Bundesliga was delivered to the DBBL on April 15th.

    At the beginning of this week, the first interim message from the licensing committee was received by managing director Richard Crowder. Accordingly, the granting of licenses is at great risk because the minimum budget defined in the license statute is not reached.

    Background: There is an exception in the year of promotion; from the second year of league membership, the minimum budget of 250,000 euros must be proven, which the Veilchen Ladies cannot currently meet. Last season they had a budget of just under 200,000 euros, says Crowder.

    In addition, various measures to professionalize the league will have to be implemented in the next few years, which will also require financing. Together with the BG 74 Göttingen association, these measures are largely supported – all measures should be gradually implemented.

    In an initial statement, Crowder expressly thanks everyone for all the support over the last few years. “I have been responsible for the BG 74 women’s basketball Bundesliga for 10 years now. This time is associated with many positive memories and I remain highly motivated to further develop the club in this role.”

    Crowder continued: “These are currently difficult economic times and it is entirely understandable to me that some advertising partners have to scale back their commitment or even withdraw completely. The conversations over the last few weeks also show that it is currently very difficult to attract new partners. But we will not give up.”

    However, based on the current snapshot, the licensing committee can see that normal league operations with a competitive team are hardly financially viable, nor is the implementation of the planned professionalization measures. In order to reach the lowest pain threshold, the Veilchen Ladies have to manage to acquire around 50,000 euros additionally in the short term. Otherwise there is a risk of forced relegation.

    A corresponding call will be launched in the press and social media channels in the coming days.

    “I am convinced that we can achieve our financial goal and that we will professionalize and firmly establish ourselves through continuous, sustainable work. However, this requires (more) time. “If we have to accept forced relegation now, I fear that it could take a long time before we have a chance to play in the first division again (if at all),” adds Crowder.

    “I am also convinced that top female sport must be preserved here in Göttingen. We want to continue to offer all girls who pick up the orange leather in Göttingen a consistent perspective in the future, from the youngest to the Bundesliga and national team.” He has already received initial positive feedback from sponsors, says Crowder.

    The appeal is aimed at all regional companies or private individuals willing to donate. Relevant inquiries can be directed to [email protected] (gsd)

    2024-05-09 18:56:05
    #women #threatened #elimination #Bundesliga


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