Celebrating Moroccan Heritage: The 23rd Edition of the Hassan II Trophy for Traditional Equestrian Arts

The Hassan II Trophy for traditional equestrian arts, which celebrates its 23rd anniversary this year, illustrates the continuing interest in equestrian traditions as an essential element of the Kingdom’s cultural identity.

This event, placed under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, also highlights the interest shown in horses by Moroccans throughout the ages and which draws its foundation from the rich traditions of the Kingdom’s heritage, thus testifying to the relationship that links Moroccans to horses.

The Hassan II Trophy of Tbourida, the 23rd edition of which is organized from May 27 to June 2 in Dar Es Salam in Rabat, offers the opportunity for dozens of tribes to compete in order to choose the best “Sorba” to represent them during this annual meeting, which attracts a large audience eager for this traditional equestrian art.

Interest in traditional equestrian sports has increased in recent years through the organization, each year, of regional, interregional and national competitions to select the best “Sorba”, the best rider, the best horse and the best costume. traditional, in which prizes are awarded to participants in order to generate interest in the practice of this sport anchored in Moroccan culture and which constitutes part of the authenticity and ancient history of the Kingdom.

To ensure the succession and continuity of this authentic cultural heritage in addition to its transmission to future generations, the Royal Moroccan Federation of Equestrian Sports organized a competition intended for boys aged 12 to 16, who compete in “Sorbas” subject to the same rules than those reserved for adults.

With a view to consolidating interest in this cultural heritage, Morocco has officially submitted its application to include “Tbourida” on the list of intangible cultural heritage in 2019. The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage approved this request less than two years later, thanks to the significant mobilization of diplomatic channels and stakeholders in the equestrian field in Morocco.

Thus, the traditional equestrian arts of “Tbourida or Fantasia” were officially inscribed on the world heritage list during the 16th session of the committee, held on December 15, 2021 in Paris.

The 23rd edition of the Hassan II Trophy for traditional equestrian arts sees the participation of 24 “Sorbas” including eighteen Seniors (aged 17 and over) and six Juniors (aged 12 to 16) who qualified for this prestigious event following regional and interregional competitions, organized throughout the year, in partnership with the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Horses (SOREC).

Traditional equestrian competitions begin with a passage of the “Sorba” led by the “Moqqadem” to greet the public, before returning to the starting line to embark on a beautiful race during which the riders show their talents, in the aim to master their mount and their rifle.

At the signal given by the “Moqaddam”, generally the oldest of the “Sorba”, the riders must press the trigger of their rifles, because the success of the “Tbourida” depends on the simultaneity of the shots.

The “Sorbas” are rated according to criteria set by the judges of the Royal Moroccan Federation of Equestrian Sports, and which take into account the unity of the riders’ movements, the rhythm of the gallop, the movement of the rifles, the timing of the shot, the traditional outfit and the saddle.

Riders are also graded on the degree of coordination and communication, control of the horse, and the general appearance of the rider and their horse.
The riders wear the traditional outfit consisting of the “Jellaba”, the “Salham”, the “turban”, and high shoes and carry the dagger and the rifle decorated with decorations and engravings.

The saddle, made by artisans, is decorated with designs and embroidery reflecting authentic Moroccan heritage and highlights the beauty of the horse and its rider and shows their social position within their tribe.

2024-05-28 16:05:14
#illustration #interest #equestrian #traditions #essential #element #cultural #identity #Kingdom


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