Contradas of Legnano Deny Reports of Scuffles at Palio Event

LEGNANO – After Contrada San Domenico (read article WHO >>), also the rival Saint Erasmus denies the news that appeared in some press outlets regarding assumptions scuffles between the respective contradai.

In a Palio where the souls of our Contrada people were put to the test and brought to very high levels of endurance, even with a series of provocations, the maturity, the Paliesca culture and the civic sense of the white and blue boys always proved to be at their best. height of the situation – we read in the press release of the Contrada del Corvo – We deny any type of contact and acts of violence that occurred on the day of the Palio between the contrada members of Sant’Erasmo and those of San Domenico.

From Via Canazza, however, some problems are noted that highlight such as the order service on Sunday was not exactly the best: “However, we must underline that some rather annoying moments were experienced by the contrada members of Il Corvo due to the difficulties in exiting from the distinct grandstand, a long-standing problem that should be taken into serious consideration. In fact, this year a situation occurred in which the blue and white Contrada members were blocked by security for several minutes, right next to the San Domenico grandstand still crowded with Contrada members who demonstrated their “affection” towards us for several minutes. . Only the maturity demonstrated by the blue and white Contrada supporters prevented something important from happening.”

In the future, we hope that greater attention will be paid to this problem of the outflow of the crowd from the distinct stands, taking the necessary precautions“, concludes the statement.

But what clashes have you seen? San Domenico defends himself

2024-05-30 08:54:53
#Fatterugli #Palio #Legnano #SantErasmo #denies


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