Controversy Erupts in Bahiense Association Basketball Game: Altense Claims Points from Barracas Game

He joined La Nueva Provincia in 1995. He works in the Sports section and was a collaborator in Regional and Local News of this same medium. He specializes in basketball. He was part of the staff of Encestando y Zona de Básquet magazine for 10 years. He had experience in the program Radial Contrabásquet, on Radio La Red.

Twitter: @rodriguezefe

Instagram: ferocity_



In the midst of the joy of having forced a fifth game that could allow them to access the final of the Second Tournament, in Barracas they woke up to the surprise that Altense claimed from the Bahiense Association the points from the last game (fourth), played on Tuesday, in which the Bahia team won 81 to 75.

The reason argued by the leadership of the Puntal representative is the inclusion of nine seniors, when eight per game is allowed by regulation.

“We had nine seniors and one always rotates. In this game it was Lucas Durán’s turn who, in any case, asked me to change because he was going to do a separate job with the teacher, since he came with discomfort and wanted to be at the entrance in heat and sharing with the boys. I had the Barracas shorts, but I wasn’t going to play,” explained coach Emiliano Menéndez.

According to what the DT himself expressed to “La Nueva”, originally Durán was not even included in the form.

“When I grabbed the sheet I had the eleven players listed, without Lucas Durán. I marked the initial five, with the captain, I signed the sheet and Lucas Durán was not included – he insisted -. Afterwards, the system is in different hands, including the visitor , and I can’t take charge. Later Durán appeared on the scoresheet and Altense realized it too quickly.”

His defense went further.

“I’m not going to point fingers at anyone, but it’s a system that anyone can call it, by mistake or by convenience. We are very angry, very hot. We already come with the situation regarding the field issue, everything is fine, they were given that advantage “, in quotes, sports, because he had authorization when the statute was changed. Now the coach (Gustavo Casamayor) tells me that they want to win it on the field and the leaders say that in reality the team asked them to claim the points, they wash their hands,” he pointed.

And he added: “It is clear that they want to take advantage of a situation in which, in addition, no more than seven adults participated in Barracas. That is, we do not even take advantage of the regulation that allows playing with eight.”

Menéndez could not hide his anger at the situation.

“At this point I’m getting over the fever because while I’m editing Tuesday’s game I come across this situation that doesn’t make sense. Let them win it on the field,” he said.

2024-05-30 13:38:37
#Altense #claimed #points #angry #hot #admitted #Barracas #coach


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