Cuba’s Olympic Preparations Underway: Athletes Aim for Success in Paris

Jorge Moisés Campos recently entered, in table tennis; Rose Mary Almanza, in athletics; and Erislandy Álvarez, in boxing, the official explained to the Prensa Latina agency, on a working visit to Guatemala.

We still have around 50 in the classification process, but with real possibilities in the order of 39, Miranda said, who included athletics, boxing, diving, judo, men’s volleyball and beach volleyball.

In the case of the sport of fists, he added, three men and one woman traveled to their last tournament based on quotas, of which – he pointed out – we saw the fighters with a chance to be included in the event under the five rings.

From diving there is a possibility that two of our athletes will get their ticket, remarked the director of High Performance of the National Institution of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Inder), of the largest Caribbean island.

We are left with judo, in which there are also possibilities for new additions in the fight from July 26 to August 11, three in each sex, or two in the female and three in the male, he stated.

The beach volleyball couple of Noslen Díaz and Jorge Luis Alayo appears in the process, practically classified, since they have the quota for the Olympic and continental rankings.

He ratified Inder’s goal of bringing between 70 and 80 athletes to the event in the French city, in addition to a collective sport (men’s volleyball), whose members are well focused, he highlighted.

Another goal – Miranda said – is to be among the 20 powers in the Olympic Games, “aware that to achieve this, at least five titles must be obtained.”

He emphasized 19 athletes with the weight of the possible results in Paris, which – he clarified – does not mean that there are 19 medals, but rather those who receive personalized attention with their compliance with the critical path.

The director also explained that Inder works together with the Paralympic Games, from the point of view of preparation and monitoring.

In this case – he stressed – 11 Cubans have their ticket and there is a group in the classification process, to form a delegation between 28 and 32 athletes.

They are also working on achieving at least five gold medals in the Paralympic Games to be among the top 25 in the world, he told this agency.

He emphasized that the Antillean sports organization has been able to ensure, despite the complex scenario, the competitive routes and there is a political will to guarantee it.

The vast majority of those classified and those still missing – Miranda specified – have planned the last stage of their preparation in Europe, mainly in France.

In the last Tokyo 2020 Olympic event, Cuba won seven golds, three silvers and five bronzes, and stood out in 16th place in the general table by country.


2024-05-31 19:02:42
#Cuba #athletes #classified #Paris #Olympic #Games


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