Eljero Elia confronts Jan Joost van Gangelen on Instagram

Eljero Elia confronts Jan Joost van Gangelen on Instagram

Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 2:16 PM

Top players, but also clubs from home and abroad, provide an insight into the ins and outs of the football world (almost) every day via Instagram, X or other internet channels. In this edition of VZ Social, attention is paid to Eljero Elia, who revives his feud with Jan Joost van Gangelen on Instagram.

On Friday evening, Roda JC’s stadium speaker was in the news after he announced that his employer had been promoted due to Telstar’s victory over FC Groningen. That information turned out to be incorrect (the game ended 1-1), after which Wim Frijns, the announcer in question, told his story in front of the ESPN camera.

The interview with Frijns was posted on Instagram and Van Gangelen, an employee at the broadcaster, responded under the video: “Great class from this man, immediately standing there and telling an honest story. Respect,” said the presenter.

Elia has also read Van Gangelen’s response and has come up with a response. “Can you also follow an example,” replies the former attacker, who emphasizes his message with an emoji of a winking face.

It is not the first time that Elia and Van Gangelen have clashed. In 2020, the former Feyenoord player claimed that Van Gangelen had spread incorrect information about him.

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2024-05-04 12:16:00
#Eljero #Elia #confronts #Jan #Joost #van #Gangelen #Instagram


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