Flor de la V was indignant and said what she thinks SHOW El Intransigente

Flower from V She was outraged on social media and expressed what she thought without a filter. On this occasion, the presenter of America TV He used his space on Instagram to talk about Nicolas Márquez, an author who made strong statements about different communities.

«On Friday I arrived at the canal very early, very cold. I left in such a hurry that I forgot my coat. I’m not complaining, I like the cold and it finally arrived after so much rain. Luckily, my dressing room was warm,” he began, recounting Flor.

In this context, the artist gave more details of the testimony that left her totally surprised: «I prepared the mate, turned on the radio like every day and started putting on my makeup. While she was doing it, she was listening to an interview on Radio con Vos by Ernesto Tenembaum with Nicolás Márquez, far-right writer and biographer of Javier Milei.

«During the duration of the talk, he broke all records of intolerance and misinformation: he described homosexuals as insane, denied crimes of the last military dictatorship such as the appropriation of babies or the rape of detained women, and in addition, he considered the trial of the boards,” commented de la V.

And he remarked: «All this without turning red. As you will see, he did not deprive himself of anything. It was impossible, or at least for me who is at the antipodes of their thinking, not to get confused while listening to their paperless arguments… I swear that I had to stop putting on makeup and pay attention to the interview so that nothing distracted me.

Strong reflection

«Among other atrocities, he expressed his position on homosexuals to whom he equated with the word inverted. Regarding the violations in the military dictatorship, this subject questioned the legitimacy of the complaints, based on the difficulty of obtaining proof,” Flor stated and emphasized his anger.

Finally, the presenter of “Intruders” commented: “The new political currents try to immerse us in already settled debates. They try to install a false and homo-hating discourse, which only generates more discrimination, more hatred and freedom for those who need a figure to express their violence. Human beings are not born with hatred and intolerance of indifference. It is an inversion of your essence to be like this. People like Márquez are the true inverts.



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