Football: Thiago Motta, “My future? Now let’s enjoy the party” – Football

“Now we have to enjoy the party, we will talk about the future internally with the president and we will say it together.” Thiago Motta has not yet released his reservations about his future on the bench of Bologna or other clubs that are looking for him.

“We have had a great season so far, together. For me the most important thing is this relationship that is created with the players. I look at each one in the face, I try to give them what they deserve. There are many, not everyone can always play , sometimes everyone deserves it but not everyone can play.

I love each of them, I say it to them too. They gave their all to play in this way, no one expected these results, our team today is a great reality. The kids are eager, hungry, they want to work well; we have to take advantage, enjoy everything until the last minute”, concluded the Bolognese coach.

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2024-05-20 21:49:14
#Football #Thiago #Motta #future #lets #enjoy #party #Football


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