Guillermo Coppola explains his absence at Diego Maradona tribute in Naples: “Passages seemed very strange”

Guillermo Coppola told why he did not attend the tribute to Diego Maradona in Naples (Video: Intruders, America)

Guillermo Coppola expressed great emotion when he saw how the children of Diego Armando Maradona, whose manager he was, gathered in Naples to pay tribute to the Argentine star. The representative spoke on a cell phone to Intrusos (America) and told the reasons why he was not present at the event.

“The event was organized by Argentines who managed to bring the whole family together in a tribute to Diego, ‘Diego lives.’ It was made in a city where, in addition to him, his children have a history. “I loved it,” he began describing the man known as Guillote. “I liked that it could be done despite the difficulties. I knew that Naples had rights to the shirts that Diego had worn, but despite the circumstances it could be done and successfully,” he added in that sense.

“I think it’s great that all the family and friends came together for this tribute. They spoke with me and Claudio Caniggia, but we did not attend because there were passages that seemed very strange to me. If they wanted me to go, they would accommodate me somewhere else,” Coppola said, implying that perhaps there was no desire to receive him there.

“I had many meetings to help organize the event, I clarified that I was going without fees, I only needed the ticket and the stay. “I don’t blame anyone nor do I think there is a dark hand, it just seems strange to me that there was no ticket for me,” she pointed out.

“The times I went to Naples I was always well received by the people, who see in you a little piece of Diego. I have good memories. Diego Junior wanted to talk to me and I even spoke with Vero Ojeda before he left. With Giannina and Dalma everything is fine. Therefore, there is no conflict so that they do not want me there,” Guillermo concluded.

Almost four years after the death of Diego Maradona, his children Dalma, Gianinna, Jana, Diego Junior and Dieguito Fernando and his ex-wife, Claudia Villafañe, gathered to honor him within the framework of the inauguration of the Diego Vive theme park that will soon arrive in Saudi Arabia, Spain, Peru, Israel, Mexico, Venezuela and Argentina.

The children of Diez interacted with the elements that make up the exhibition, including 360° projections, holograms of different stages of the footballer’s life, digital totems, t-shirts, trophies and even the balls he played with.

“It was beautiful, really. And returning to Napoli, with my sister and my mother after 33 years, was very strong,” Gianinna told Teleshow. Along the same lines, she added: “The absolute love of Neapolitans is wonderful.” For his part, Diego Junior confided to this medium that it was a “wonderful” meeting. “We were able to hold a press conference here, in Italy, all together, in which we remembered our father with several anecdotes. “The ones who talked the most were Dalma and I.”

Diego Junior, Jana, Dieguito Fernando, Gianinna and Dalma Maradona, gathered to honor the Ten (Courtesy/Diego Vive)

The tourists were also able to enjoy the exhibition, who were encouraged to recreate the goal against the English and kick a penalty under Diego’s instructions. On his social networks, the youngest of Maradona’s descendants, shared a photo of himself in the exhibition. “With the World Cup in my hands,” he wrote. Faced with the touching image, the footballer’s fans filled him with messages of support and praise: “We love you Dieguito”; “Your dad was a genius. He lifted that one and won it alone”; “You have the essence of your old man”; “You are beautiful and have a lot of charisma”; “You carry that pride for your great father and mother”; “Pride of a father, Dieguito. He gave us so much joy, you have a lot of simplicity, never change”; “The father’s smile…” were some of the comments that stood out in the post.

2024-05-31 03:50:00
#Guillermo #Coppola #told #attend #tribute #Diego #Maradona #Naples #strange #ticket


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