Horacio Zeballos: World Number 1 in Doubles Tennis, Excluded from Paris 2024 Olympics

A great figure of tennis Argentine will not be in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and surprised everyone. The captain’s decision Guillermo Coria and of the AAT (Argentine Tennis Association) was agreed upon and striking in the face of the sport’s top tournament globally, which will take place in the capital of France between the end of July and mid-August.

The protagonist is none other than Horacio Zeballoswho he has just become number one in the world in doubles in the ranking of the ATP (Association of Professional Tennis Players) together with the Spanish Marcel Granollers. The determination caught attention, since it is one of the best seasons for the man from Mar del Plata in this specialty at the age of 39.

Bye Olympic Games for Horacio Zeballos, world number 1 in doubles tennis

According to the journalist TyC Sports Juan Martín Rinaldi, “Cebolla” will not be part of the Argentine men’s team in his discipline. Therefore, in their place will be a couple already established on the world circuit such as Máximo “Machi” González and Andrés Molteni. According to another communicator who specializes in the subject, such as Danny Miche from C5Nthis situation may be due to the recent two notable absences from Buenos Aires in the Davis Cup: In 2023 he did not travel to Finland due to “personal problems” and in 2024 he did not play against Kazakhstan at home due to a last-minute injury. Although from the inside They rule out that it is a sporting “punishment” For the player, they understand that there are others who are more predisposed to defend the country at the international level.

Bye Paris 2024 Olympic Games for Horacio Zeballos.

When are the Paris 2024 Olympic Games?

The great global sports competition is scheduled to take place in the French capital, a city that has already hosted it on two previous occasions. This year, the event will span more than two weeks of intense competition, which It will begin with the opening ceremony on Friday, July 26 (with some disciplines starting up to two days before) and will end on Sunday, August 11.

How to qualify for the Olympic Games in doubles tennis

According to the official portal, “each doubles event has 32 teams, a maximum of two per country.” At the same time, it details that “The first to qualify are the ten best players in the ATP and WTA doubles rankings, provided they have an available partner from the same country within the top 300 of any ranking, and the designation of the partner does not make the country exceeds its maximum quota”. Lastly, they highlighted that “Quotas are distributed using the combined rankings of peers. Finally, the priority goes to the teams that already have players qualified for a singles event.”

Which Argentines were number 1 in the world in tennis

Incredibly, without Guillermo Vilas on the list, who came in second, three compatriots appear in the history of this sport. Is about Paola Suárez, Gisela Dulko (both in doubles) and Gustavo “Lobito” Fernández in adapted wheelchair tennis.

2024-05-12 22:02:16
#Bye #Olympic #Games #striking #absence #Argentine #tennis #figure


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