how does the ticket resale application work?

Download tickets purchased months ago for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is now possible with “Paris 2024 Tickets”. The organizers launched the official application on Wednesday May 15 which allows you to obtain purchased tickets and transfer them to other beneficiariesor even resell them. A site to buy tickets resold by users of the application was also launched in parallel this Wednesday.

► How to access a ticket?

You must first download the application and connect to your ticket office with the identifiers (email address and password) used in particular when purchasing tickets. This provides access to the list of past orders, which will be displayed on the home page.

The tickets as they appear will not be sufficient to access the competition site: they will be equipped with a QR Code in the run-up to the Olympic Games, which will only be active a few hours before the session, for security reasons and to prevent the circulation of counterfeit notes. The QR Code must be presented at access control and necessarily on your smartphone; a printed version will not allow access to the competition site.

All tickets purchased so far are available on Paris 2024 Tickets. Tickets for the opening and closing ceremonies will be accessible, transferable and resalable starting mid-June.

► How to transfer a ticket?

To transfer one or more tickets to the people of your choice, simply click on the mention ” to transfer ” under the ticket concerned. You must select a sending method and the contact to whom you wish to transfer the ticket. A pre-written message and a download link are automatically generated, all that remains is to send it.

It is possible to cancel the transfer at any time until the ticket has been collected by the beneficiary. Once the transfer is accepted by the latter, the original buyer will no longer be able to use the ticket, unless the beneficiary returns it to them. The beneficiary cannot sell or transmit to a third party the ticket which has been transferred to him.

Beneficiaries will also have to download the application to retrieve the transferred ticket.

► How to resell a ticket?

To put a ticket on sale, you must click on “resell” under the ticket concerned. It is possible to resell several tickets for the same session. Then simply check that it is the correct ticket to resell and press ” continue “. The seller will be notified via Paris 2024 Tickets if his offer is accepted. The seller can also withdraw it from sale at any time.

The seller will not have the choice to set the price: the ticket will be resold on the platform at the purchase price, with a service fee of 5% for the seller and 10% for the buyer.

► How to buy a resold ticket?

Tickets resold from Wednesday are available on a new official website intended for ticket resale. The site only accepts payment by credit card.

Offers on the resale platform will have to increase as users of the Paris 2024 Tickets application put their tickets on sale.


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