Jaca City Council Increases Support for Sports Clubs With 56,000 Euro Distribution

He Jaca City Council has renewed agreements with five sports entities in its commitment to sports and will distribute, among them, 56,000 euros that will benefit some 1,200 athletes. By 2024, Jaca City Council’s investment in sport will amount to 110,000 euros.

Jaca is committed to sports and distributes 56,000 euros among five sports clubs.

5,000 athletes in Jaca

The Jaca City Council has renewed the collaboration agreements with the Jacetano Fútbol Club, the Jaca Ice Club, the Jaca Basketball Club, the Kanpai Judo Club
and the Pyrenees Climbers Club. The five clubs bring together some 1,200 athletes from the
more than 5,000 who participate in sports activities either as a team or individually

Thus, from the municipal coffers, in 2024, an amount of 56,000 euros will be allocated for the
promotion of sport within the signatory sports clubs. With these supports, the
The main objective of the City Council is to promote grassroots sports.

Sport in Jaca

As the mayor of Jaca, Carlos Serrano, has explained, «The youth generation and the promotion of the values ​​of sport and a healthy life among the population at younger ages are important in a sports city like Jaca».

In addition to these direct collaboration agreements, the Jaca City Council allocates 35,000
euros to subsidies for sports clubs that want to present themselves and 15,000 euros to
athletes who participate in individual sports.

The mayor has signed the agreements with the heads of the different clubs: Patricia
president of the Pyrenees Climbers Club; Carlos Iraldeclub president
Jaca Basketball; Marta Berguapresident of the Kanpai Judo Club; Antonio Betranpresident
of the Jaca Ice Club, and Fernando Vegapresident of the Jacetano Football Club.

Carlos Serrano wanted to remember that this weekend more than
4,000 people linked to sport
due to the celebration of the Spanish Judo Cup and the Jaca Basket Cup. «The Municipal Sports Service and the clubs have managed to make sport a factor of deseasonalization with activities that range from sport
basis to the highest level of evidence,”
has pointed out.


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Published by Jacetania Express

Diary of the journalist Rebeca Ruiz, which was born with the vocation to inform about Jaca and its region, faithfully and objectively reflecting everything that happens and interests its people. See all Jacetania Express posts

2024-05-31 15:09:47
#Jaca #committed #sports #distributes #euros #among #sports #clubs


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