Megawati Hangestri Secured for Next Season with Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks – The South Korean volleyball team, Daejeon Jung Kwan Jang Red Sparks, officially selected Megawati Hangestri in next season’s Asian Draft Quarter program organized by KOVO.

Megawati Hangestri received a one-season contract extension from the Red Sparks for next season.

Megawati Hangestri has once again filled a slot for a foreign player from Asia belonging to Red Sparks to take part in the Korean volleyball league next season.

Megawati Hangestri (source: KOVO)

Quoting from the page of one of the South Korean media, namely The Sports Times, Red Sparks coach, Ko Hee-jin, said that Mega would stay with Red Sparks.

“We have decided to extend Megawati Hangestri’s contract without any doubt,” said Ko Hee Jin.

“Mega also definitely wants to show an even better performance next season. We are making better preparations to create good synergy starting at the start of next season,” he continued.


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