Notice of Ordinary Meeting: Negotiations and Votes for ‘Judo For All’ Club


Dear members, friends

and dear parents,

We inform you that the ordinary meeting of our company will be held


  • Opening of the session and greeting from the President
  • Approval of the minutes of the 2023 Assembly
  • Technical commission report
  • Teller report
  • Auditor’s report
  • Resignation
  • Committee appointments
    • President
    • Cashier(s).
    • Secretary
    • Members of the Committee
  • Possible
    • Change of Club Name to “Judo for All”;
    • Dojo State;
    • Projects 2024-25-26;

We remind you that only active adult members have the right to vote

We look forward to seeing many of you.

For the Committee

Fabio Ciceri


2024-05-27 20:43:13
#General #Assembly


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