Outraged Former President Criticizes Sports Hall and Fines in Reggio

Lots of fines and an inadequate sports hall. It is a fiery missive that comes from Ivan Paterlini, former president of Pallacanestro Reggiana, after Game 3 against Venice which took place on Thursday evening. The entrepreneur who was a red and white manager for more than 20 years, vents like this: “On Thursday evening on the occasion of a very important event for Reggio sport (match 3 of Reggio against Venice) our sports hall in the historic center, for which the current administration has spent 10 million euros (of public money) and has demonstrated all its access and security limitations.” Paterlini continues by saying that “the city was in fact clogged from 6pm.

At the end of the match (deservedly won by Reggio) some fans were fined for parking, even though they were electric vehicles and had permission for a pedestrian area!”. A public complaint which obviously needs to be verified with the municipal police command, on which for now there is no official confirmation. According to the former president, these are “fines given by diligent policemen who worked hard around the Palabigi during the match”. “The same policemen who never have time or personnel to monitor the degraded areas of the city! Thank you for your hospitality, an outraged citizen!”.

The story of the sports hall starts from afar. Talk about it started already in the 1990s, with the possibility of taking it out of the center and next to the stadium being floated. After a long back and forth, here are the final works: 10 million euros for the restyling, which lasted two seasons.

2024-05-18 04:24:30
#Clogged #center #basketball #patron #Paterlini #Outraged


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