Overseas Chinese in Sao Paulo Provide Vital Relief Aid to Southern Brazil Amid Heavy Rains

China News Service, Sao Paulo, May 14th: Heavy rains continue in southern Brazil, and overseas Chinese are actively providing disaster relief

China News Service reporter Lin Chunyin

Nearly 10 cargo trucks loaded with relief supplies are waiting to arrive. In a warehouse covering thousands of square meters, thousands of boxes of drinking water are lined up on the shelves, and clothes, shoes and socks are fully stocked. Hundreds of volunteers were busy among them, fifteen or sixteen of them wearing red vests were overseas Chinese volunteers in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

This is the scene that a reporter from China News Agency saw at a disaster relief material handover point on Mario Guedes Avenue in Sao Paulo City, Sao Paulo State, Brazil on the 13th local time.

According to the latest data from the Civil Protection Department of the Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil on the 13th, 147 people have been killed, 127 missing, and 806 injured due to natural disasters such as floods and landslides caused by heavy rains. 447 cities were affected by the disaster, with 77,000 people temporarily staying in shelters and 538,000 people displaced.

On the 13th, China-Brazil Charity Foundation, Brazil Jinhua Association, Brazil Overseas Chinese E-Commerce Association, Hongen Bilingual School, Tianyu Law Firm, China-Brazil Shooting Association and China-Brazil Badminton Association jointly raised nearly 450,000 yuan. Yare (approximately 630,000 yuan) purchased relief supplies and handed over the first batch of supplies to the Sao Paulo Social Foundation.

“Among us are businessmen from 25th Street and Barras, Chinese teachers, lawyers, and young people doing e-commerce. At this special moment, we stand together with the Brazilian people.” The China-Brazil Charity Foundation, which leads the Chairman Sun Zongmin said that he was “quite touched” by raising hundreds of thousands of reais in two or three days.

“Living supplies alone can help 3,000 families.” Lawyer Zhu Shiqi said that they had fully communicated with the state of Sao Paulo in the early stage on the purchase of urgently needed supplies. In addition to rice, flour, oil and water, there are also women’s products, mobile power supplies and road clearance. Tools etc.

“Many Chinese businessmen are engaged in the clothing business and have brought sacks of newly arrived underwear, socks, gloves, etc.” Lin Xu, president of the China-Brazil Shooting Association, said that this is a manifestation of the overseas Chinese community’s active integration into Brazilian society. .

At the scene, overseas Chinese volunteers were very busy carrying goods, counting and organizing.

“We launched a fundraiser at the school to show the children the beautiful idioms of ‘working together in times of difficulty’ and ‘together overcoming difficulties’ as examples of traditional Chinese virtues,” said Zheng Yuwen, principal of Hong’en Bilingual School.

As one of the few female overseas Chinese volunteers at the scene, Qiu Lizhu, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the China-Brazil Charity Foundation, said that she has been working hard in Brazil for nearly decades, “We have many Brazilian friends, and Brazil is their home and our second home.” ”

On May 13, local time, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, many Chinese community groups donated relief materials for heavy rains in southern Brazil. The picture shows the material transfer site.China News ServicePhoto by reporter Lin Chunyin

Young overseas Chinese are particularly enthusiastic about this disaster relief effort. Xiang Yong, executive director of the Brazilian Overseas Chinese E-Commerce Federation, said: “Many young people engaged in e-commerce have made a small difference because of Brazil’s development opportunities. They come to tide over the difficulties with the disaster-stricken areas in Brazil with a grateful heart.”

Xu Minglin, president of the China-Pakistan Badminton Association, said that young overseas Chinese have the advantage of being familiar with the languages, cultures and laws of the two countries, and are willing to serve as the “glue” and “booster” of China-Pakistan friendship and perform well in charity activities.

Christina, the head of the Sao Paulo Social Foundation, said in an interview that the support and assistance of overseas Chinese communities to disaster areas is very important.

In the past few days, the Chinese Consulate General in Sao Paulo and the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Brazil have respectively issued initiatives to actively assist the disaster relief work in Rio Grande do Sul, and have received positive responses from the overseas Chinese community and Chinese enterprises.

Currently, many major traffic arteries in the disaster area are still covered by floods, and traffic into the city is still under control. Fang Ke, general manager of Anjun Logistics, told reporters that the company has received permission from the Brazilian flood relief management department to transport relief materials and living supplies. “Anjun Logistics will provide free logistics for all relief materials that need to enter the disaster area, regardless of batch.” shipment service”. (over)

Editor: Lu Jiao

2024-05-14 12:47:43
#Heavy #rains #continue #southern #Brazil #overseas #Chinese #actively #provide #disaster #reliefMobile #Dahe #Network


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