Paris 2024 Olympic Games: exonerated after her positive test, Ysaora Thibus will finally be able to participate in the Games

A huge relief. Ysaora Thibus will finally be able to participate in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games after fearing the worst for several weeks. The foilist, a real chance of a medal at the Games, had tested positive on February 8 for ostarine, a substance from the so-called SARMs family (androgen receptor modulators) which can be considered as “steroids 2.0” and banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency since 2008. Provisionally suspended, she was exonerated by the anti-doping disciplinary tribunal of the International Fencing Federation, which did not impose any sanctions against her, paving the way for her participation in the Olympics, announced Tuesday the foilist and her lawyer Joëlle Monlouis to AFP.

During the hearing by this disciplinary tribunal last week, the 32-year-old Frenchwoman defended the thesis of involuntary contamination on the part of her companion and trainer, the American Race Imboden. A defense which therefore convinced. Ysaora Thibus can now turn towards her supreme goal, the Olympic title in Paris.

More information to follow…


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