Pro Recco Under 13 Women’s Volleyball Team Clinches Territorial Championship Victory

Pro Recco Volleyball under 13 female territorial champion Pro Recco Volleyball under 13 female territorial champion.

Mayor Carlo Gandolfo expressed his most sincere congratulations to the Pro Recco under 13 women’s volleyball team for the beautiful victory over the La Spezia team in the territorial category championship.

«We express our warmest congratulations for the goal achieved, which represents a fair recognition for the commitment of the club, the coaches and each of the athletes.

This victory not only reaffirms the solid tradition of women’s volleyball in our city, but also gives us hope that further and significant sporting successes can be counted in the future.

We look forward to seeing the young promises compete and shine in the next regional category championship.” This is what the mayor of Recco expressed himself.

The athletes Chiara Shmilli, Sofia Tronconi, Giulia Lampredi, Gaia Rossi, Giorgia Montobbio, Luna Privino. Cecilia Avanzini, Nicole Bisso, Martina Tasso, Vera Parma, Sofia Tomassini, Gioia Fabbri, Eva Bersanetti, Chiara Castagnola and Vacca Agata demonstrated incredible synergy and team spirit. Elements that were fundamental to achieving this important goal. Thanks also to the coach Alessandro Domenici, the athletic trainer Luigi Massone and the manager Mauro Tasso. In the photo above also the presidents of Pro Recco and the Fipav Committee, Massimo Rastelli and Franco Bocchia. ABov

Pro Recco Volleyball under 13 female territorial champion

2024-05-31 17:29:50
#Pro #Recco #Volleyball #female #territorial #champion


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