Rafael Nadal’s Uncertainty at French Open Media Appearance: Not Ready to Say Goodbye Just Yet

Rafael Nadal used to have his first appearance before the media in Paris on the Friday before the start of the tournament. This time she was delayed until Saturday so the uncertainty and suspense about what he was going to say increased.

Nadal assured that he was not in a position to say goodbye one hundred percent to the tournament that has seen him win 14 times. The organization already knew this because it had received the Spaniard’s refusal to honor him when he had initially given the go-ahead..

This was confirmed yesterday Amelie Mauresmo, director of the French Open, in statements made to Amazon Prime France, which has the rights to the contest. Mauresmo said that he was all ready, but Nadal backed down when he saw the quality of his training, with many fewer limitations than in Barcelona, ​​Mutua Madrid Open or Rome.

In 2017, on the occasion of his tenth Musketeers Cup, Roland Garros made a mosaic at the Philppe Chatrier and gave him a life-size reproduction of the champion trophy, something he had never done with another competitor.

Rafa set the Paris Olympic Games (July 27 to August 4) as his short-term goal. The dream of continuing to play after the Olympic Games is closer today.

2024-05-29 07:23:12
#accepting #tribute #changing #mind #training


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