Reggio Emilia Basketball: Building on Last Season’s Success

REGGIO EMILIA. Raising the bar by starting from the foundations laid last season.

This is the diktat that emerged from yesterday’s Board of Directors of Pallacanestro Reggiana in which the balance sheet of the season was closed and the figures to be invested for the next one were discussed.

If the budget for the first team remains in line with that of last season and only slightly increased, important resources will be allocated to the Casa Biancorossa project. The construction site in warehouse 15/A of the former Reggiane, barring bureaucratic delays, will be inaugurated in autumn and the works are estimated to take between 18 and 24 months.

In addition to the ambitious project of the new home of Reggio basketball, there are many challenges that await the red and white club in the immediate future, starting with the planning of the new season.

Here are the main points.

Expand the boundaries

Unahotels will return to Europe. Priftis’ team won the pass for a continental cup on the pitch by finishing the regular season in fifth place. In which continental tournament the new team will compete is yet to be defined. In the next few days – ten at most – we will be able to have a precise picture of how the club intends to move.

Subscription news

We won’t wait until the first week of September to launch the season ticket campaign.

Like many other clubs in the Italian top flight, the campaign for the 2024/25 season will start already in the middle of summer with an important innovation: a further subdivision of the sectors of the sports hall in via Guasco with an adjustment in prices. Everything is still in the study phase and in the next few weeks the project will take its final form.

The technical staff

It was already said immediately after the elimination from the playoffs that the club would start again with coach Priftis. And with him will remain the entire technical staff that worked so well during the season.

The confirmations

The formula is certain: the club will still choose the 6+6 (six players from Italian training and six from non-Italian training). The presence of Jamar Smith in the new team is considered essential. The American winger, highly esteemed by Priftis, has an armored contract and had already declared his intention to stay during the current season.

Barring unlikely twists, there are also captain Michele Vitali, big man Matteo Chillo, playmaker Lorenzo Uglietti and winger Sasha Grant, on whose growth the staff is counting a lot.

The Faye issue

Pure talent, still not fully expressed, Momo Faye is one of those specially observed by “headhunters” from all over the globe.

The 19-year-old Senegalese is contractually linked to Pallacanestro Reggiana until 30 June 2026 and there are no exit options at the end of this season. However, this does not guarantee the certainty that the player will remain in red and white. Since the big leap overseas is premature, it is likely that he will decide to withdraw from the NBA draft before the final date – a week before the draft – maintaining the possibility of re-applying next season.

However, the possibility is not far off that some European club will make a substantial offer and an attractive technical project to secure what is considered by many to be one of the best Under 20s on a continental level. The will of the Reggio Emilia club is to keep him at least another season. We will see.

The market

A big question mark currently accompanies Langston Galloway’s name.

There is a desire on the part of the club to confirm a player who has shown great value on and off the pitch, but the call from a Euroleague club is just around the corner.

Already during the season the attacks had multiplied. But now, having completed his commitment, the striker could decide to take a leap forward in his European career.

In the next few days, the positions of the crowd idol Briante Weber, the big man Darion Atkins, as well as the center Tarik Black will be evaluated.

Having jumped on the red and white train, the former NBA player said he was enthusiastic about the experience in Reggio Emilia and confided to the fans his desire to stay.

As his contract expires, Alessandro Cipolla is destined to leave Reggio.

Young people

Once the 6+6 formula has been confirmed, the twelfth player will be a prospect from the Under 19 team. Which will move the training venue from Cassala to Bigi precisely to encourage osmosis with the first team. L

2024-05-30 17:23:23
#Basketball #series #Unahotels #Pallacanestro #Reggiana #future #Gazzetta #Reggio


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