Selenia Pla Dominates at Spanish Badminton Championships, Winning Three Gold Medals

The Xàtiva Badminton Club athlete Selenia Pla won three gold medals in the Spanish Absolute, Para-Bádminton and Inclusive Championships, held last weekend in Cartagena. Plan, who came accompanied by the technician Mª José Mompó, participated in the women’s singles, mixed doubles and inclusive doubles eventswhere the couples are mixed, with one athlete from the badminton modality and another from the para-badminton modality. Selenia was proclaimed champion of Spain in the three events in which she competed, winning three golds.

In the women’s individual SL4-SU5, the Seta native beat Cristina Sánchez de Lechina, from CB Granada, in the final, winning 21-18 and 21-19 and achieving the first gold. In the mixed doubles event SL3-SU5, Selenia was paired with Pablo Serrano, from CB Astures, and they won the championship after beating Manuel García and Cristina Sánchez de Lechina in the final by 21-11 and 21-13.

In inclusive doubles, Selenia Pla played with Adrián Corrales, from CB Caser Grupo Helvetia Clear Madrid, and won a new gold in a tougher competition. In the semifinals they defeated the couple formed by Iván Segura and Nelly Iriberri, winning a three-set, 45-minute match, in which the rivals took the lead, winning the first game, but Selenia and Adrián came back, winning the second and third by 21-15 and 21-15. In the final, Selenia and Adrián also fought to beat Pablo Caparrós and Cristina Sánchez de Lechina. History repeated itself and the Setabense and the Madrid player lost the first set by a tight 23-21, coming back in the match after winning the second and third by 13-21, proclaiming themselves champions of the inclusive doubles.

Selenia Pla, who returned to the competition after a few months out due to an injury to a finger on her right hand, has returned with a high level of play, achieving three golds in the national event.

Provincial Championship

The Xàtiva Badminton Club also contested the Provincial Sports Games Championship last weekend of the Valencian Community in the categories benjamin and alevin, held in the capital of the Costera. In Benjamin, Aarón Fasanar and Adolfo Costa (AMPA Ayora) won the gold medal after winning the final against the Enguerina couple formed by Lucía Cerdán and Enzo Muñoz, by 15-13, 11-15 and 15-14. Aarón placed fourth in singles.

As a junior, Arnau Ballester won the silver after falling in the final against Gerard Domínguez (CB Manises) by 22-20 and 21-7. Joel Mahiques came fourth. Carla Soler and Alexa Zemov were left out of the fight for medals in the women’s section. In doubles, Adrià Meseguer and Arnau Ballester placed fourth in the men’s team, the same place as Lidia Ramón and Alexa Zemov in the women’s team. Laia Blau and Carla Soler could not access the final phase.

Concentration of Autonomous Selections

Three players from the Xàtiva Badminton Club: Martina Molina, Meshack Martínez and Feliu Terol, attended the second concentration of the Under-15 and Under-17 Autonomous National Teams, held last Saturday in Alicante. The athletes trained under the orders of coach Iván Gallardo, accompanied by CB Xàtiva coach Javier Alcázar, and in the morning they performed exercises aimed at improving doubles events and in the afternoon they played matches and tried different combinations of athletes in the different tests.

Upcoming competitions

CB Xàtiva will play this coming Saturday, May 18, in Enguera on Autonomous Master of the Sub-11, Sub-15 and Sub-19 categories, which will bring together 104 athletes from 22 clubs from different autonomous communities. The Setabe club will attend with ten players who will compete in the Under-15 and Under-19 categories.

2024-05-15 17:06:45
#Xàtiva #Parabadminton #Championship #Selenia #Pla #Selenia #Pla #wins #gold #medals #Spanish #Parabadminton #Championship


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