Spanish Paralympic Judokas Compete in Tbilisi Grand Prix for Paris 2024 Classification

He Tbilisi Grand Prix (Georgia) of paralympic judo It is held on the weekend of May 18 and 19, being the last scoring test to achieve classification for the next Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. A test in which Paralympic judokas Spaniards hope to get a pass to the next games.

The Georgian capital team has traveled to the Georgian capital. Spanish Federation of Sports for the Blindcommanded by technician Marina Fernández, and the judokas Sergio Ibáñez, Daniel Gavilán, Marta Arce and María Manzanero. They are accompanied by coaches Raúl Clemente and Javier Delgado, as well as the physiotherapist Marta Moro. The competition will start this Saturday for Arce, Gavilán and Ibáñez, while on Sunday the youngest of the team, María Manzanero, will take to the tatami. The objective is none other than to obtain the necessary points that ensure their ticket to the Paralympic Games.

It should be noted that in the last international competition held in Antalya (Turkey), Sergio Ibáñez from Aragon won the silver medal while Marta Arce from Valladolid and María Manzanero from Madrid won the bronze medal, confirming their good form. . For his part, Daniel Gavilán from Madrid could not make it past the first fight although he is the component of the best placed team facing the Games in the French capital.

Judo, a sport with minimal adaptations

From the ONCE They point out that judo is one of the sports with the least modifications for blind people and it is only necessary that the fights begin with the two athletes holding each other. If they let go, the referee stops so that they can catch each other again. Currently, there are two competition categories, J1 (blind) and J2 (visually impaired) with minimal modifications between them such as assisted access to the tatami or regarding the clothing code.

With this new regulation, approved after the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, J1 and J2 judokas do not compete against each other unless there are not enough participants, so under mutual agreement, they can do so. There are also some other modifications related to the way referees transmit signals to athletes, since they will not be able to do it by gestures, as is usually done. Furthermore, in this sport there is a high participation of people with deafblindness, so the way of giving them warnings is also adapted to touch and included in the regulations.

Sergio Ibáñez poses with his silver medal won at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games

In the last edition of the Paralympic Games, held in Tokyo, Sergio Ibáñez was the best representative of the Spanish team, winning the silver medal.

2024-05-18 13:55:24
#Spain #hopes #achieve #classification #Paralympic #Judo


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