Strong Start for U16 Boys in District League Fighting Community

The district league also started for our U16 boys on Saturday. As with the girls, we are starting in a fighting community with TV Jahn Bad Lippspringe. On the first day of fighting, there was only one match scheduled, in Herne against DSC Wanne-Eickel.
Our lightweight Ole started off. As the opponent was unable to field a fighter under 40kg, Ole took the first point without a fight. The next match was under 66kg. Feruzbek fought tactically cleverly and won against his opponent after the third Shido penalty. Julian won a quick and safe victory with two Waza-ari scores over +66kg. Lukas had to step up to the challenge in under 55kg. He was barely heavy enough to be allowed to start in this weight class, but had to admit defeat to his heavier opponent; there was no escape from a hold. Benedikt rounded off the first half of the match in under 46kg. He took the lead early on with a Waza-ari score for Tani-otoshi and was able to hold on to it despite knee problems recurring. We were leading 4:1 at halftime. To secure our first win of the season, we played it safe and hardly made any substitutions. Justus came on for the injured Benedikt. Ole won again without a fight, Feruzbek made short work of his opponent this time and quickly won with Ippon, thus the 6th point and the victory were perfect. +66kg followed an open exchange of blows between Julian and his substitute opponent, an experienced blue belt, who in the end narrowly lost to Wanne-Eickel. Lukas again noticed the weight difference and had to admit defeat on the ground after a strong fight and Justus, who had come on as a substitute, also started strongly but had to admit defeat to his opponent, so in the end it was a 6:4 victory for us. So that all the fighters could gain competition experience, we added a few friendly fights. Ole didn’t just want to collect points without a fight, but also dared to fight against his opponent who was a good 10kg heavier. After a good start, he got caught in a hold from which he could no longer escape. Tim gained valuable experience in his second ever competition and fought strongly before having to admit defeat after a moment of carelessness. Joshua took part in two friendly fights, both of which he won, the second with a spectacular Tomoe-nage. Julian wanted to give it another go against his opponent from the second half of the season and had to admit defeat with the final bell after a long Waza-ari lead.
All in all, a strong team performance from the boys, which makes us look forward to the second day of fighting in Gütersloh in three weeks. We would like to thank DSC-Wanne-Eickel for the good organization and the friendly fights.

2024-05-26 00:28:38
#Victory #start #season #boys #U16 #league #Judo #Salzkotten


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