The Arrest of Jennifer Capriati: The Party That Ended in Controversy

This photo went around the world. Jennifer Capriati, just 18 years old, stares straight into the camera of the police in Coral Gables in the US state of Florida. The tennis star had just been arrested at a party in a hotel room. She wears a colorful blouse and a ring on the right side of her nose. Her short, dark hair is loose and somewhat disheveled. Case reference number: 94-9816.

It was May 16, 1994 and the end of a three-day long party. At the beginning of the weekend, Capriati drove from Boca Raton to Miami. There she wanted to meet 16-year-old Lucy, whom she had met while in drug rehab. She was also introduced to Timineet Branagan, then 17 years old.

2024-05-21 09:08:08
#Jennifer #Capriati #tennis #prodigy #downfall


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