The Challenges and Excitement of Sports Commentary: An Interview with Michal Dusík

“When a sports commentator forgets that he is just an accompanying matter, it is the biggest problem,” says Michal Dusík, editor-in-chief of the Czech Television’s sports department. At the same time, sports fans have a harvest this year – these days they can watch the hockey world championship, in June the football Euro awaits them, and the highlight will be the summer Olympic Games in Paris.

You can watch the entire interview in the introductory video or listen to it in your favorite podcast app. What were its main themes?

00:08-05:07 How is Dusík’s co-commentator Milan Antoš, who was hit by a car on his way from the O2 arena last week? How much does Dusík have to improvise now because of his colleague’s injury? Is there a plan B for such cases? What does a hockey expert need to be able to sit behind the microphone?

05:07-08:50 Will Dusík enjoy hockey more as a spectator or as a commentator? Does it happen to Dusík that he gets emotional while commenting? And what does he say about hockey player Jakub Voráček in the role of commentator of the hockey championship, who lets his emotions out to the fullest?

08:50-11:06 What does preparation for the World Hockey Championship entail? What does all this mean for sports editors and commentators? Who chooses the shots that run during breaks?

11:06-14:50 What does the preparation of a commentator look like? Does Dusík learn names and numbers by heart? What is his distinctive commentating style? And what does it mean when a commentator must have a flow?

14:50-18:17 Has it ever happened to Dusík that he didn’t arrange the “flow” and succumbed to the magic of the moment? How much is the success or failure of the Czech team reflected in the reactions of the spectators? What’s the worst thing that can happen to a commentator during a live broadcast? Did Dusík ever comment without preparation?

18:17-21:54 How big of a problem are fake hockey world cup tickets? In what form are the Czech hockey players and do they have a medal? How important are NHL signings?

21:54-26:50 How many hours of the Olympic Games (OH) in Paris will ČT sport broadcast? How did the dispute over the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes affect the Olympics? Was Dusík surprised by the International Olympic Committee’s decision regarding Russian and Belarusian athletes?

26:50-31:05 Which of the Czech athletes does Dusík trust the most? Which sport in the Olympic Games is the most popular among spectators? What is Dusík most looking forward to? And what is the toughest commentary nut for him?


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