The judge believes that Pedro Rocha turned a blind eye to the businesses of Rubiales and Piqué

Pedro Rochathe recently elected new president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, now knows why he is accused in the Brody case. The judge investigating the case investigating the alleged irregularities in the management of Luis Rubiales at the head of the RFEF has specified in an order that Rocha, then economic vice president of the Federation, should have supervised both the contract to bring the Spanish Super Cup to Saudi Arabia and its subsequent expansions, as well as the awards to renovate the stadium The Charterhouse of Sevilla.

In the space of a month, Rocha has gone from being a candidate in the federative elections and a witness in the case to being elected the new president of the RFEF and one more investigator in the case.

Until now, from his defense they conveyed their confusion to El Periódico de España, from the same editorial group, because they were unaware of the facts for which he was being investigated, since it seemed, after that failed statement in court, that the change in his procedural situation It had been fundamentally due to the poorness of his answers during the prosecutor’s interrogation and not to any specific facts.

However, and as explained in the order by Judge Delia Rodrigo, who is investigating the case from the Investigative Court Number 4 of Majadahonda, Madrid, the reasons why he is being investigated is for having allegedly inhibited from his functions when supervising contracts that entailed expenses for the RFEF (such as the reform of La Cartuja), but also important income (the contract for the Spanish Super Cup and its subsequent extension).

Did not supervise the contract

The order says that Pedro Rocha, “due to his position, would have been responsible for direct intervention in the contract with Saudi Arabia on September 11, 2019, but what would have been appropriate, according to the internal federative regulations on economic procedures.” , to the intervention of the economic commission that he chaired since October 15, 2020“.

The judge refers specifically to the “addendums” that allowed the Spanish Super Cup contract, initially agreed upon with Saudi Arabia for 240 million euros (at a rate of 40 million for each of the six editions), was finally extended to a decade-long commitment.

“However, he apparently abstained, both from convening the economic commission to analyze said extensions and additions to the contract and, to in the event of not having been informed in time or having been hidden from youto claim the file a posteriori given the position he held,” points out the magistrate, who has thus formalized her accusation. “The same can be said with respect to his actions, or omissions thereof, regarding the works of the La Cartuja Stadium in Seville”.

This extension, which was signed three months after Pedro Rocha was appointed president of the RFEF economic commission, allowed the Federation to secure 400 million euros in total in a deal that, yes, was conditional on a hidden third party charges 10% as a commission agent. That third leg of the agreement, as it turned out later, was Kosmos, the Gerard Piqué.

Piqué, also accused

The former Barcelona Football Club player, who reached this agreement with the then president Luis Rubiales as a culé player and one of the pillars of the National Team, has also become part of the defendants in the Brody case.

In that order of May 30, to which this newspaper has had access, it points out precisely that clause that was called ‘essential’, by which the RFEF tried to guarantee the payment of the commission of 4 million euros annually in favor of Kosmos [la empresa de Piqué]even though this company would formally be the commission agent of SELA”, the Saudi public company through which the agreement to bring the Super Cup to that country was articulated.

Recently, Spain asked the Andorran authorities to block access to the accounts into which Kosmos deposits payments arriving from Saudi Arabia, although the instruction is also “pending” the report that may result from the rogatory commission sent to Andorra and ” whose content could be relevant in the attribution of the facts to those investigated.”

As this newspaper has learned, the lawyer of Tomás González Cueto, Rubiales’s trusted legal advisor within the RFEF, presented a letter yesterday to the judge asking why he was accused in the Saudi Arabia operation and not those who received payment from it. , like, for example, Gerard Piqué.

2024-05-30 19:29:20
#judge #believes #Pedro #Rocha #turned #blind #eye #businesses #Rubiales #Piqué


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