The RFEF defends itself against Rubiales and assures that it is the “main victim” of the Super Cup case

The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) continues to take small steps in its break with the past that Luis Rubiales represents. As EL PERIÓDICO DE ESPAÑA, from the Prensa Ibérica group, has learned, the defense of the Federation has challenged the request made by the former president and by others involved in the Super Cup case so that the organization stops appearing in the process as a private accusation and can even become civilly responsible for what happened. “The injured condition of the RFEF is unquestionable,” defends the highest body of Spanish football.

In a letter sent to the judge investigating the case, and to which this newspaper has had access, the federal entity recalls that in this case “alleged unfair administration crimes y corruption in business committed to the detriment of the heritage” of the Royal Spanish Football Federation.

Therefore, he maintains, “the facts investigated are precisely acts of impairment of the” federation’s heritage, “which necessarily places it as harmed in the process.” A position that he has decided to maintain regardless of the fact that those investigated include Luis Rubiales, his former president, and Pedro Rocharecently crowned as his successor in office.

Rubiales asked to expel the RFEF

For his part, and as reported by Cadena SER, Rubiales has asked Delia Rodrigo, the head of the Investigative Court Number 4 of Majadahonda where the case is being investigated, to reconsider allowing the RFEF to act as a private prosecutor, since the “alleged irregularities in contracts signed under his mandatewith possible serious damage that could have been caused to the entity”, are not a compelling reason to feel “harmed”.

In this way, the former president joined an appeal initially raised by the directors of Gruconsa, the construction company that the plot supposedly favored to obtain contracts from the RFEF. In return, he holds the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guardthen commissions would have been paid to Francisco Javier Martín Alcaide, alias Nene, who is the current partner and friend since adolescence of Rubiales himself.

By joining Luis Rubiales To that request, the RFEF’s response is also addressed to him when it says that the “injured assets” in this case is none other than his, in reference to the crime of unfair administration, and that the same occurs with the crime of corruption. in business. Therefore, he says, “his “injured status” “is unquestionable.”

The RFEF remembers Rubiales’ “mechanisms”

Among the reasons to maintain this condition, the Federation cites, for example, the UCO reports that indicate that “Rubiales planned actions aimed at diverting economic resources from the RFEF or redirecting them towards his personal assets and those of his environment.”

Resources allegedly directed in directions such as, for example, the one pointed out by the Civil Guard when saying that “in 2020, Luis Rubiales intended to establish mechanisms to detain funds from the Federación and convey them to his father’s personal assets”.

Luis Rubiales leaves the National Court in September 2023. / José Luis Roca

In this appeal, the RFEF has not been careful when pointing out its former president, and has not hesitated to recall other important points of the case in which its assets could have been compromised by a alleged irregular management by Rubiales.

From the agreements with Gerard Piqué to take the Spanish Super Cup to Saudi Arabia, which involved saying no to Qatar’s offer, to the alleged espionage of David Aganzo, president of the AFE, the president’s personal trips paid for by the federation coffers. or even housing aid of 3,100 euros per month.

This very forceful response by the Federation against the appeal to which Rubiales has joined is also understood by the request that the judge change the status of the RFEF from private accusation as harmed in the case to civil liability for what happened, which he sees as a “clear excess” on his part. “An entity is not and cannot be vicariously liable for itself,” the RFEF states in its letter.

2024-05-16 05:41:21
#RFEF #defends #Rubiales #assures #main #victim #Super #Cup #case


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