Thomas Lemar: A Return to Form for Euro 2024?

While this Euro 2024 is fast approaching and we look at the French squad which played in the last European Nations Championship, we see that certain players have practically disappeared. This is the case of Thomas Lemar in particular, still at Atlético de Madrid. The player trained in Caen was coming off a superb season with the Colchoneros at the time, being a rather important player in the Madrilenians’ victory in La Liga.

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But since then, everything has not been a long road of roses for the Frenchman, very often handicapped by injuries. If Diego Simeone rather relied on him when he was available, physical problems have spoiled his last seasons. During this 2023/2024 La Liga, he was only able to participate in three matches – the first three in La Liga – all as a starter, before being injured in this third match against Valencia. A ruptured Achilles tendon has kept him from playing since, and he only recently returned to training.

Read EdF, Atlético: Antoine Griezmann’s update on his future

Simeone still a fan

Et AS reveals more information about it. As the media reports, the 28-year-old is still in Diego Simeone’s plans. Which can still be surprising after a practically blank season. Better yet, the Argentinian is convinced that Lemar can have an important role from the restart in August. He sees Lemar as a big reinforcement for the midfield, an area where Atlético has struggled this season. Both El Cholo and the staff are admirers and aware of the Frenchman’s technical qualities, and will support him so that his return to competition is as best possible.

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A technical quality that very few players have in the Rojiblanco locker room, where Lemar is also very appreciated. Under contract until 2027, the player will therefore stay. As the media explains, there was never any question of a sale, since in addition to Simeone’s desire to keep him, his rating on the market is very low or even non-existent. 2024/2025, the season of return to the forefront for Lemar? In any case, that’s what everyone in Madrid is hoping for.

Pub. 05/30/2024 9:01 p.m. Updated 05/30/2024 9:36 p.m.

2024-05-30 19:01:14
#forgotten #Thomas #Lemar


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