Too many celebrations for City, Manchester United takes advantage of it and wins the FA Cup. Guardiola presumptuous: he’s bittersweet

Pride and revelry they decided the FA Cup final: the Manchester United he overcame, with humility and the desire to redeem a foolish season, a Manchester City intoxicated by the celebrations after the conquest of the fourth Premier in a row: 2-1 flawless. Erik Ten Hag greets the Red Devils with a final blow: after having collected a series of negative records – eighth position in the Premier League, European elimination with the last place in the Champions League group, 7 defeats in the first 16 championship matches, 85 goals conceded throughout the year -, the Dutch manager lifted the trophy of the oldest tournament in the world in what it may have been his last appearance on the United bench. His smile, and at the opposite extreme his tense greeting Pep Guardiolasays many things, including the expression at the moment of receiving the medal from the hands of principe William. The Dutch manager won in front of the entire United staff lined up in the stands, including the legend Alex Ferguson. City lost because excesses are paid for. The hangover from the Premier League triumph left its mark, especially on his legs. A serious error, especially of evaluation: we couldn’t wait for the end of the season for the celebrations? Guardiola completed the job with some questionable choices in the starting team: see Kovacic e What. The swerve came when United had already taken flight.

I goal the Grenache (30’) e Mainoo (39′), born in 2004 and 2005 respectively, guided the match. United’s first half was a ferocious application of a defensive game, with sudden counterattacks that exposed the fragility of City’s defence. The 1-0 was the result of a misunderstanding between Guardiol and the doorman Ortega, who recklessly left his area. The 2-0 was a spectacular move, finished off with a delightful assist from Fernandes and capped off by Mainoo’s relentless touch. City were slow, smoky and almost impalpable in the first 45 minutes. The three changes made at half-time by Guardiola – out De BruyneKovacic e Whatdentro Doku, Alvarez and Akanji – revitalized the English champions, but United continued to defend well. The crossbar hit by Haaland it was the sign of destiny. Drunk he responded well to two stones from Walker, but an error by the Cameroonian goalkeeper, on Doku’s not irresistible shot (87′), gave spice to the end of the match. In the end, the Red Devils withstood the final wave, taking home the FA Cup number 13 of their history.

What will happen in United it will be decided in the next few hours, with the entire states general, including the billionaire Jim Ratcliffe, one of the club’s owners since February and perhaps the most determined in the change of technical leadership. Ten Hag, interviewed by Garly Lineker in the program of BBC, said he doesn’t know what fate holds for him. Bruno Fernandes took the coach’s side: “He deserved this satisfaction, the team has always been with him.” The casting for the succession has begun, but they have not yet been cast decisions irrevocable. By a strange twist of fate, while in United it is reflected, the Plymouth (Championship) announced that he had entrusted the team to a great former Red Devils as Wayne Rooney, in his fourth managerial experience. The Double failed by Manchester City was instead achieved in Scotland by Celticin the national cup final played against the old enemy, i Rangers: 1-0 signed by Idah, on loan from Norwich, in the 90th minute. For Celtic it is the 42nd triumph in the Cup Scotland. The goalkeeper was decisive in the success against the Gers Joe Hart, former Manchester City and Turin player, 37 years old, in the last match of his career. British football is also magnificent for this: its incredible plots.

2024-05-25 17:16:57
#celebrations #City #Manchester #United #takes #advantage #wins #Cup #Guardiola #presumptuous #hes #bittersweet


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