Tudor finds Provedel and focuses on Castellanos. Inzaghi with the owners

A Lazio unpublished againstInter champion of Italy. Tudor he plans to make a lot of changes in view of the match against the Nerazzurri for which he is ready to make 7 changes, even focusing on 3 players for the first time since the 1st minute. All this without losing sight of the objective as mentioned in the press conference: «Congratulations to them, but we will go there to do our best because there are 6 points still up for grabs to establish the ranking and also understand which competition we will participate in». Inzaghi instead he will celebrate the second star with practically the usual starting lineup.


Lazio, Tudor: «Provedel returns with Inter. We will give our soul on the pitch”

Tudor’s ideas from an Inter perspective

It will be an unprecedented Lazio to say the least San Siro against Inter. Meanwhile between the posts he will return from the 1st minute Provedel after more than two months. In defense, given the absence of Romagnoli due to disqualification, he will return Casale in the middle with on its sides Patric and the returnee Gila. In midfield there will be no shortage of surprises as there will be a couple never seen before in the middle, Neighbor e Rovellawhile on the flanks there is room for Marusic e Pellegrini, the latter also making his first start with Tudor. On the trocar he will finally touch Zaccagni and the irreplaceable Kamadawhile in front Castellanos he surpassed Immobile at the last corner. At Inter the standard formation is expected except Unripereplaced by another ex as The free.

Probable Inter-Lazio lineups

Inter (3-5-2): Sommer; Pavard, De Vrij, Bastoni; Darmian, Barella, Calhanoglu, Mkhitaryan, Dimarco; Thuram, Lautaro. All.: Inzaghi.
Unavailable: –
Be wary: Mkhitaryan.
Disqualified: –

Lazio (3-4-2-1): Provedel; Patric, Casale, Gila; Marusic, Vecino, Rovella, Pellegrini; Kamada, Zaccagni; Castellanos. All.: Tudor.
Unavailable: A fence
Be wary: Patric, Lazzari, Casale, Pedro, Vecino.
Disqualified: Romagnoli.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Tudor #finds #Provedel #focuses #Castellanos #Inzaghi #owners


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