Ultraswim 2024, the event that unites both pitiusas, will take place this weekend

Ultraswim 2024the 30 kilometer test that connects Santa Eulalia with Formentera, will take place on Saturday, June 1. A total of 26 swimmers, divided into 22 men and four women, will meet on Saturday at 7:30 a.m. from Santa Eulalia beach. It is a complex competition on a logistical level, since each participant will be accompanied by a motor boat, with its corresponding skipper. This event is organized by the Santa Eulalia Yacht Club, with the collaboration of the Hotel Vibra, as well as the Santa Eulalia City Council and the Consell d’Eivissa.

It is a test that crosses international borders, and in which this year Belgian, French, Italian swimmers, as well as from different autonomous communities of the national territory, will participate. A slightly adverse weather is expected, since tomorrow a Levante front will enter from the east that may complicate the route a little, with a swell in the background, so there will be two kilometers that will be a little more complicated. When navigating through open waters, which involves currents, waves, or other coastal phenomena, there will be members of the Red Cross and GEAS (Group of Specialists in Underwater Activities of the Civil Guard).

The minimum swimming speed is 3 km/h, and to control it there will be different control points along the entire route. Anyone who does not pass these points will be disqualified and will have to board the organization’s boat. In addition, on Sunday the ‘Mini Ultraswim’, 5 kilometers away, and with departure and arrival at Santa Eulalia beach. All participants will have the same route, which will have different passage doors to maintain their safety.

2024-05-30 10:21:07
#Ultraswim #event #unites #pitiusas #place #weekend


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