Who is Gio Iera, the amateur cyclist suspected of having rigged his bike on the Routes de l’Oise?

His Instagram account suddenly went from public to private. Behind the 144 publications of Gio Iera, 53 years old, are first and foremost cycling. Lots of cycling. Former amateur rider of the Allez Denain team (North), seen in Milan, Miami or in France, he poses with multiple cycling stars, such as the legendary sprinter Mark Cavendish or the former Kazakh rider Alexandre Vinokourov.

Monday May 20, just a few hours before being excluded for suspicion of mechanical doping from the last stage of the Routes de l’Oise, an amateur bicycle race in which he participated, bib 88 on his back, we see him accompanied by Miguel Ubeto. On Facebook, he presents the former Venezuelan sprinter who played for the former pro team Lampre Merida as his coach.


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