Will Ramírez de la O repeat in the Treasury? The official responds to Sheinbaum – El Sol de México

A few weeks before the presidential elections on June 2, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, head of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), was asked if he would like to continue in office if the Morena candidate wins. PT-PVEM, Claudia Sheinbaum.

The question arose after during the 2024 National Meeting of Regional Directors of BBVA México, Sheinbaum Pardo expressed that, if he won the elections, he would invite Ramírez de la O to continue leading the agency.

“What a question, I cannot answer it, it is not appropriate for me, except to say that it is a great honor to be in the Ministry of Finance with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador,” said Ramírez de la O.

The official is the third Secretary of the Treasury of the current six-year term. When the so-called Fourth Transformation began, the SHCP was headed by the late Carlos Urzúa and later by Arturo Herrera Gutiérrez.

Ramírez de la O has a doctorate in Economics from the University of Cambridge and a degree in Economics from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), where he graduated with honors.

“It will be an honor, under any scenario, to be in the Ministry of Finance, but I cannot specifically answer that question,” stressed Ramírez de la O.

What did Claudia Sheinbaum say about the June 2 elections?

Yesterday, the candidate of the Morena-PT-PVEM coalition assured that if she wins the presidential elections, one of her first tasks will be to invite Ramírez de la O to continue in the SHCP.

“I hope that he will accept us to stay for some time in the Ministry of Finance,” emphasized the former head of Government of Mexico City.

Likewise, when questioned about the elections, before the regional advisors of BBVA Mexico, Sheinbaum stated that “the only thing missing is the June 2 procedure.”

“The process of June 2 is missing, we have received very great recognition throughout the country, and what I want to say here to all the directors of Bancomer is that we will do well, we will all do well,” said the candidate. presidential.

2024-05-08 02:53:18
#Ramírez #repeat #Treasury #official #responds #Sheinbaum #Sol #México


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