Xerez CD Baloncesto Promotes Youth Team and Values in Community Outreach Program

Xerez CD Baloncesto is once again betting on its youth team, and its board of directors do so under the conviction that it is “the best way to promote sport in the city.” Thus, the open doors begin, some free days so that the little ones and the not so little ones can test their conditions in the practice of basketball.

In their social project #jugamostodos, they point out that the people who make up the Xerez CD Baloncesto believe and carry as their flag the values ​​of sport and have special sensitivity for the value of inclusion, applied here to all boys and girls who want to play sport. “a suitable combination with your study time.”

Working together, as is done in Basketball, serves as an escape route to integrate into the philosophy of teamwork, show obedience while respecting internal hierarchies, collaborate with their teammates to achieve success, and learn to be patient. , develop the capacity for sacrifice for the benefit of the group, deal with failures and learn to value achievements for the effort invested.

Open House Poster


President Antonia Beltrán Leal regrets that “current society does not invest enough in cultivating and promoting all these values ​​that are so necessary for the future personal and professional lives of children, therefore, as the club we will dedicate a part of our work and professionalism to bring this sport closer to as many people as possible”.

The club invites all boys and girls to play with them for free on this day. On their website www.balocestoxerezcd.es or by calling 696291041, they make everything they wish to ask available to readers.

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2024-05-28 17:06:20
#Xerez #Baloncesto #opens #doors #quarry #Sports


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