11-Year-Old Maja Locatelli from Trieste Wins National Archery Championship

TRIESTE – At just 11 years old, Maja Locatelli from Trieste is the Italian archery champion and wins first place ahead of the archers from Lazio and Sicily. After having qualified last May among the three regional finalists, last Sunday 16 June, she participated in the national Pinocchio Trophy-Giochi youth games under 13 in Latina, with 300 athletes and over 500 participants including coaches and technicians. The ceremony took place at the Piana delle Orme theme park in Latina, and the under 13 athletes made 48 shots at a distance of 20 meters for those born in 2011 and 2012, and 15 meters for those born in 2013, 2014 and 2015 .

Maja Locatelli, born in 2013, approached the discipline of archery just a year and a half ago, trained by her grandfather Stojan Raseni at the Zarja sports association in Basovizza. Raseni is the founder, together with his cousin Alessandro, of the archery section in Basovizza, and has trained the Trieste Olympic athlete Ilario Di Buo’. Her daughter Tamara, Maja’s mother, was part of the Italian national team and also achieved excellent results at the European championships. Since her debut in the world of archery, Maja has participated in five competitions, always qualifying in the top three places.

2024-06-18 10:35:06
#Elevenyearold #Trieste #Italian #archery #champion


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