1st Annual Judo Tournament of Training Categories a Success in Comodoro

With the support of the Comodoro Deportes Autárquico Entidad, during the afternoon of last Saturday in the Municipal Gymnasium 1, the 1st Annual Judo Tournament of training categories was held. Private schools from the Argentine Martial Arts Union (UAAM) and municipal dojos attended, having a total of 100 judokas competing.

“The truth is that we had a very good call. The balance of the tournament is good, it was an extremely positive experience for everyone. The idea is to promote competitive environments in the children, bringing them closer to what competition is and getting them used to it for future tournaments and trips that we want to make with the municipal school delegations,” explained Florencia Fernández.

Following this line, the municipal leader pointed out that “this first experience is useful to us, we are going to continue promoting the competitive but also the recreational, through meetings, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

“There is a good team of teachers and instructors in the municipal schools, you can see in these events the number of judokas who train per venue and their dedication, the tournament had an excellent level in terms of training competition and that It is a reflection of the work in municipal schools and the growth of local judo,” he expressed.

And he valued the work carried out by 25 judokas from the cadet and adult categories who collaborated at the control table, in the refereeing and as scorers, “which helps us to promote this role of being in a role that is not only competitive.”

Fernández highlighted the participation of the private school dojos and highlighted the support of the athletes’ families: “For some families it was something new, that is why the issue of rules, scores and other issues of judo were explained to them. ”.

Likewise, he thanked the Ente Comodoro Deportes “for all the willingness and for all the effort made to carry out the event, for being at the forefront when something is needed.”

Finally, Florencia Fernández announced the next local judo event: “We hope to have the same call for the June 22 tournament to be held at the Huergo Club, where we will involve everyone from cadets to adults. We are waiting for confirmation from Esquel dojos. and Caleta Olivia.”


Main results

Children’s male

1) Brandon Morales (Bushido Dojo – Municipal Gym No. 3)

2) Mael Pereira (Marcos Garnica Dojo – Municipal Gymnasium Nº1)

3) Fernando Chacano (UAAM Dojo)

4) Dylan Rueda (Marcos Garnica Dojo – Municipal Gymnasium Nº1)

Children’s male

1) Mateo Olarte (Marcos Garnica Dojo – Municipal Gymnasium Nº1)

2) Bastian Mansutti (Dojo Club Constructores)

3) Miguel Espasa (Dojo Club Huergo)

Children’s A feminine

1) Jennifer Olima (Dojo Club Huergo)

2) Julieta Carrizo (Dojo Club Huergo)

3) Milagros Monzón (Dojo Club Huergo)

Infant B male

1) Franco Landa (Dojo Club Huergo)

2) Gael Benítez (Marcos Garnica Dojo – Municipal Gymnasium Nº1)

3) César Nieto (Dojo Club Huergo)

Infant B male

1) Hilario Vallejo (UAAM)

2) Gianluca Salicas (UAAM)

3) Tiago Olmos (Dojo Club Huergo)

Infant B male

1) Benicio Arias (Dojo Club Huergo)

2) Federico Hellman (Dojo Club Huergo)

Children’s B female

1) Constanza Carrillo (Marcos Garnica Dojo – Municipal Gymnasium Nº1)

2) Zaira Piñeyro (UAAM)

3) Pía Landa (Dojo Club Huergo)

4) Joselyn Alfaro (Dojo Club Huergo)

Children’s B female

1) Brisa Smart (Marcos Garnica Dojo – Municipal Gym Nº1)

2) Milena Morales (Dojo Club Huergo)

3) Sofia Villegas (Dojo Club Huergo)

Children’s B female

1) Samantha Acosta (Bushido Dojo – Municipal Gym Nº3)

2) Agostina Farías (Bushido Dojo – Municipal Gym No. 3)

3) Zoe Pineapple (UAAM).

2024-06-11 19:17:14
#training #judo #action #Municipal #Gymnasium


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