1st Annual Judo Tournament Set to Take Place at Municipal Gymnasium No. 1 on June 8

The next Saturday June 8on the main court of the Municipal Gymnasium No. 1will be developed 1st Annual Judo Tournament. In which the training categories of the municipal and private schools, to which are added those of Caleta Olivia.

Said contest, which will start at 2 p.m.is framed in the annual calendar and encompasses the participation of the training categories, with athletes ranging in age from 6 to 15 years, this includes onions, pre-promotional, promotional and children A and B.

“This competition is very important at the municipal and local level, due to the number of judokas that are invited, including schools in Caleta Olivia and private schools in the city. Which is a lot, given that these categories are the focus of work in municipal schools,” explained the reference Florencia Fernández.

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And he added that “the idea of ​​the tournament is to focus the judokas in an environment close to the competition, respecting the rules of combat, preparation for the fight, awards, etc. We will be counting on the collaboration of more graduated judokas, who will participate in the refereeing, awarding and control tables sector.”

In that sense, Fernández said that “in this way, we not only work with training, but we also seek to have the most graduates trained in other areas in addition to competitive areas. We hope it will be a very pleasant day and that everyone will take away meaningful and positive experiences.”

2024-06-06 03:35:44
#weekend #1st #Annual #Judo #Tournament #held #Comodoro #Pasta #Campeón


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