2024: Exciting Market Moves in Motorsport Featuring Hamilton and Marquez


2024, crazy market

For now, we certainly can’t complain about the high-level motorsport season. Formula 1 is rediscovering a certain balance with the growth of Ferrari and McLaren, which at least in the latest circuits seem to have reached the size of Red Bull, while in MotoGP there is an exciting three-way battle between Francesco BagnaiaJorge Martin and Marc Marquez.

Also adding flavor to the events are market dynamics, which will bring Lewis to 2025 Hamilton in Ferrari and Marc Marquez on the Ducati of the Factory team. Two epochal blows that will make next season unmissable, and #44 can’t wait to enjoy it.

Hamilton’s words

It was a fantastic announcement. Seeing Marquez on the Ducati will be an incredible thrill“, this was his comment in Montreal. “The Ducati has always been a very beautiful bike and from a sporting point of view, but that also applies to some of you who have been working for a long time, it’s great to have a new environment, new challenges and new people to work with. It’s amazing and exciting when you’re welcomed into a new space. I can’t wait to see Marc on that bike“.

I love MotoGP”, added the Briton, who then predicted a rosy future for the MotoGP championship, which has just been acquired by Liberty Media. “I’m really excited about the future of the sport. I think they will probably learn a lot from what has happened with Liberty and Formula 1 in the last few years and I think there will be a lot of growth. But the racing is fantastic“.


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