3D Archery Competition Draws Participants from Belgium and France

On Sunday, around forty participants from Belgium, the North and Aisnes were registered in the morning. In the afternoon, there were 37 of them wandering the woods. 3D shooting consists of sending arrows at foam targets representing real-size animals, on a course in the countryside, in this case, the Chemin d’Ostergnies. The Recquignies club is part of the French Archery Federation. It is the only club in the Department that can organize this type of competition.

Around ten athletes rewarded

It should be noted that the majority of fans of this sport do not practice hunting on live animals. Several athletes distinguished themselves during this weekend such as Ethan Bizeau (U15, bare bow), Cédric Gourland and Cyndy Charleys, in the same category, but among the seniors, Benoît Brasselier (bare compound bow, senior) and Isabelle Perdoux ( senior). In straight bow, it was Natacha Foix and Xavier Souris who did well. Finally, in free bow Julie Vezard and Simon Bayard put on a show as did Stéphane Evin and Martine Duche, in hunting bow.

2024-06-18 14:27:27
#Recquignies #seventy #participants #Northern #archery #championship


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