A Constitutional lawyer leaked information to the Treasury during Montoro’s time: “Let’s not reveal the source”

An email chain from senior officials at the Ministry of Finance and the Tax Agency reveals that A lawyer from the Constitutional Court leaked information to the Ministry of Cristóbal Montoro. This is the conclusion that follows from the emails that have been consulted by this newspaper, dated March 15, 2018, which is held by the head of the Court of Instruction number 2 of Tarragona, Rubén Rus Vela, who secretly analyzes the alleged irregularities that the directors of the court could have committed. law firm created by Cristóbal Montoro in 2006, Equipo Economico, from which he claimed to have left in 2008.

Specifically, the aforementioned Constitutional lawyer sends a message to the deputy director general of Local Taxes on March 15, 2018, Oscar of the Master, in which he attaches the “RI LCSP statement of claim.pdf.html”. And in the body of the message, explain the reason for the email: “Hello Óscar. The text is not public, it is only notified to the parties, but sooner or later the State Attorney’s Office will send it to you (which already has it or will have it shortly) so that you can inform about the answer to be given, so I’ll advance it to you. A hug”.

Just one day before, the Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court had admitted to processing the appeal of unconstitutionality promoted by the Parliamentary Group of Unidas Podemos of the Congress of Deputies against several provisions of Law 9/2017 on Public Sector Contracts, which transposed two European directives.

Do not reveal the source

In the chain of messages dated March 15, 2018, the deputy director general of Local Taxes, Óscar del Amo, forwards the document to several Treasury inspectors, to whom he communicates its contents: “This is the unconstitutionality appeal presented by We can against the Public Sector Contracts Law (LCSP) in relation to the Non-Tax Public Property Benefit (PPPNT). They have asked me not to reveal the source. Oscar,” says the emailwhich has been consulted by El Periódico de España, from the same editorial group.

Recreation of an email from the Tarragona summary. / NACHO GARCÍA

And in another of the messages in the chain, the Constitutional lawyer once again defines the issue of communication with the Treasury leadership: “In any case, it goes without saying that it is better to omit the source, a hug.” And then, the same official addresses Del Amo again, who forwards the email to several Treasury inspectors, to whom he specifies: “Tell me what possibilities you see when you read it. Thank you.”

As this newspaper reported, among the emails investigated by Judge Rus Vela, there is one sent by the chief of staff of Christopher Montoro in the Treasury, Felipe Martínez Ricoon February 10, 2015 to the “minister” in which he included tax information of the co-founder of Podemos Juan Carlos Monedero. The email says verbatim: “Minister, for your information. I have marked in yellow what is relevant. I have asked for additional information to clarify. For now, they are going to prepare a file, and we will send it to you before transferring it to MEYSS [Ministerio de Empleo y Seguridad Social]”. Monedero has announced his intention to appear in the case.

A file against the prosecutor

Los emailswhich show the maneuvers of the Treasury leadership with Montoro as minister, are in the possession of the head of the Court of Instruction number 2 of Tarragona, Rubén Rus Velawhich secretly investigates whether the members of the Economic Team (EE) office, which Montoro founded in 2006 and from which he left two years later, used their “influences” among “senior officials and officials of the Ministry of Finance to benefit their clients.” “, as specified in an order from the Provincial Court of Tarragona, advanced by this editorial team.

The judge also has a report prepared by the Support Unit of the Tax Agency that analyzes the content of the emails that the head of Anti-Corruption, Alejandro Luzón, has ordered the prosecutor Carmen García Cerdá not to investigate because he does not consider them relevant from a criminal point of view, a criterion that was endorsed by the Board of Prosecutors. On January 21, 2002, the head of Anti-Corruption ordered the prosecutor, “given the discrepancies that have already arisen in relation to the direction of this case”, to submit “to the prior approval of this headquarters and its deputy prosecutor, Antonio Romeral, all the writings” regarding the procedure.

In addition, Luzón has promoted the opening of a file for very serious misconduct against the prosecutor García Cerdá, whom he accuses of having disobeyed his order not to investigate a possible crime of revealing secrets due to the content of the documents. emails who has advanced this writing. Finally, the promoter of the disciplinary action of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Manuel Moix, has finalized his statement of charges against the prosecutor Carmen García Cerdá, in which he proposes a sanction of 1,000 euros for disobeying his boss. However, the one who has the last word is the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, who will have to endorse Moix’s decision or not.

In fact, Romeral was named responsible for this specific part of the case. If the accusation is confirmed, the prosecutor could be punished with a serious or very serious offense. The latter would lead to his expulsion from Anti-Corruption, and therefore from the procedure.

Montoro’s former chief of staff Felipe Martínez Rico, one of the authors of the emails, is the brother of Ricardo Martínez Rico, who is accused in the Tarragona case, and who was also a trusted man of the former minister. In this procedure, the managing partners of Equipo Economico are also being investigated on an indirect basis. Manuel de Vicente-Tutor and Salvador Ruiz Gallud. The latter directed the Tax Agency between 2001 and 2004. A fourth investigated is an employee of the office that Montoro founded in 2006.

2024-06-04 05:50:13
#Constitutional #lawyer #leaked #information #Treasury #Montoros #time #Lets #reveal #source


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