A dream come true for LeBron James: his son Bronny drafted by his Lakers team

The dream of LeBron James (39 years old) is about to become reality: his Los Angeles Lakers team drafted his son Bronny (19 years old) this Thursday evening. The two will perhaps be able to play together next season… provided that LeBron decides to stay in California!

However, there is less and less doubt. In fact, nothing stands in the way of the King’s contract extension with his current team. LeBron can decide either to activate the option of an additional year at the same salary conditions, or to negotiate a new contract with his franchise. Rumors suggest that the Lakers have put a new three-year contract on the table worth $162 million, or $54 million per season. An offer that LeBron James would be tempted to accept. He would thus end his career, at 42, in the legendary Californian franchise, alongside his son, a desire that he has often confided as the eventuality approached.

A first in the NBA

The situation will be unique in the NBA. Never has a player played long enough to be on the same team as his son. Until now, at least six years have always separated the last game of a father and the first of a son in the prestigious European competition (Gerald and Damien Wilkins; and Kenyon and Kenyon Jr Martin).

How will Bronny handle it? The legacy could be a bit much for a young player who hasn’t exactly impressed since his college debut at the University of Southern California, where he played until this spring, before deciding to enter the 2024 draft.

Ajinça ​​drafted by New York and sent… to Dallas

It seems so far that the dream is more in LeBron’s mind than his son. But Bronny will at least be well supervised for his first steps in the NBA, while he suffered a heart alert last summer.

The second round of this Draft, this Thursday evening, also allowed the arrival in the League of another French player, the 5th of this historic 2024 vintage: Melvin Ajinça ​​was drafted in 51st position by the New York Knicks, before to be immediately sent by the New York franchise to the Dallas Mavericks. It is in the finalist team for the 2023/2024 season that the Saint-Quentin player will discover the NBA. There is worse !


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