“A little moved and really relieved”: Michel Godard, director of Creps d’Île-de-France, is on his way out

In September, Michel Godard, director of the Île-de-France Center for Resources, Expertise and Sports Performance (Creps), in Châtenay-Malabry (Hauts-de-Seine), will retire. This former professional handball player, who spent eight years at the head of Creps, has experienced a number of events: passage under the fold of the Region, the annex of the Emmanuel-Mounier high school or even the reception of Ukrainian delegations. He agreed to come back to it for our newspaper.

What has changed since your arrival at the management of Creps?

MICHEL GODARD. Creps was in difficulty, budgetary but also in terms of activities. But without a project, there is no funding. In 2016, Creps entered the fold of the regional council in terms of heritage, upkeep, maintenance and reception. The Region invested enormous sums and everything changed. The State also put its hand in its pocket to the tune of 6.4 million euros. This massive funding made it possible to invest in training and medicine.

What were your priorities?

When you have money everything becomes easy. In recent years, we have strengthened the medical and paramedical center with 24 personnel compared to 6 in 2016. We have also improved training conditions with more equipment and assistance, and the use of new technologies. Finally, the last element, what is perhaps most important to me: the education component, with the annex of the Emmanuel-Mounier high school since September 2023. Today this annex has six classes and two more at the start of the school year. next. This system is unique in France. We were inspired by what was put in place by the Paris Opera, whose school is located in Nanterre. Training, medical and education: these are, in my eyes, the three pillars of high level.

What is your most memorable memory from these eight years?

There’s this high school annex: it’s my baby, I’ve been thinking about it for 30 years. But otherwise, I will long remember the first visit of a Ukrainian delegation, two years ago. In June 2022, a small group of disabled swimmers arrived from the kyiv region. Others have come since and we are welcoming a Ukrainian beach volleyball delegation in July. I am also satisfied that Creps was able to help Oksana Kozyna, a para-badminton player, prepare and qualify for the Olympics. The impact of the Olympics is enormous, but it’s what comes after that really matters. They will have been an exceptional lever to bring our projects to fruition. Without the Olympics, these operations would have taken more time or perhaps would not have been carried out. I think I have succeeded in his transformation. So yes, I’m a little emotional and really relieved. I leave Creps serenely. Make way for my successor.


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