Adam Bareiro: Negotiations with River Plate Heating Up amid Transfer Rumors

Adam Bareiro is on River’s radar and the rumors about his arrival at the Millonario are getting stronger: How are the negotiations?

© Getty ImagesSan Lorenzo paid 2 million dollars for 80% of Bareiro’s transfer at the end of 2022. (Photo: Getty).

The winter transfer market is already underway and River began to move in search of reinforcements and new faces for its squad. In addition to some footballers with a past at the club, One of the names that has been ringing loudly in the Millionaire World is that of Adam Bareiro. The San Lorenzo striker is a player we like, who is in the pipeline and who has an exit clause that is within reach.

In the last hours, Adam Bareiro traveled to Paraguay. The forward from San Lorenzo joined the Guarani National Team to participate in the FIFA event and later in the Copa América. Meanwhile, His representative already had some informal talks with River managers, who found out conditions for the Ciclón attacker.

Is Adam Bareiro approaching River?

The rumors about the possible arrival of Adam Bareiro to River were fueled during the day this Monday, minutes after knowing the draw for the round of 16 of the Copa Libertadores. On some portals, they were already announcing him as a reinforcement for the Millionaire. However, from San Lorenzo they came out to deny this information.

As he was able to find out Millionaire Pageuntil now there has only been one contact between River and its representative, but it is far from being a closed and confirmed operation. From the player’s side, they are waiting for an offer from abroad that has not yet arrived, but that could appear during the Copa América. There are some clubs in Brazil that also asked conditions for the Ciclón 9.

Beyond the player’s position, there is also a managerial issue in the middle that is not minor. There is a kind of “gentleman’s agreement” between the Argentine soccer directors and the local clubs, the clauses are not executed. And from River they do not want to break with that unwritten code.

2024-06-03 22:22:23
#Country #market #River #negotiates #Adam #Bareiro


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