Adding Items to Your Wishlist: A Step-by-Step Guide


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Seven Emperors Judo Chronicles 5 Big Comics


Seven Emperors Judo Chronicles 5 Big Comics

Toshiya Masuda, et al.

There is already a registration.

Add to wishlist

Add to wishlist


Create a new wish list

html += ‘ ‘;
html += ‘

‘ + value.wantlist_name + ‘

if (value.public_tp_yn == “y”) {
html += ‘


else {
html += ‘


‘ } html += ‘ ‘; html += ”; html += ”; }) // Arrival notification if (arrivalNotice == 0) $(“#arrivalNotice”).hide(); else $(“#arrivalNotice”).show(); InfoLog(“Wantlist popup displayed!”); $(“#WantlistListList”).html(html); $(“#AddWantlistModal”).modal({ showClose: false }); } } else { InfoLog(“Wantlist does not exist so create a new one.”); MakeNewWantlistInner(); } }).catch(function (error) { // handle error WarnLog(“Wantlist list retrieval process failed. ” + error); }).finally(function () { // always executed InfoLog(“Wantlist list retrieval process END”); DisplayWantlistListFlg = false; }); }; var AddWantlistDetailProcesing = false; function AddWantlistDetail(id, flg, itemId, price) { InfoLog(“Wishlist item addition process START. Wishlist ID = ” + id + “, Badge display flag = ” + flg); InfoLog(“Item ID = ” + itemId + “, Price = ” + price); if (!AddWantlistDetailProcesing) { AddWantlistDetailProcesing = true; var token = $(‘input[name=”__RequestVerificationToken”]’).val();

const params = new FormData();
params.append(‘__RequestVerificationToken’, token);
params.append(‘wantlistId’, id);

if (itemId == null) {
params.append(‘itemId’, 5838332);
else {
params.append(‘itemId’, itemId);

if (price == null) {
params.append(‘itemPrice’, 650);
else {
params.append(‘itemPrice’, price);

if ($(‘#checkArrivalNotice’).prop(‘checked’)) {
params.append(‘arrivalNotice’, ‘y’);
else {
params.append(‘arrivalNotice’, ‘n’);
}‘/ec/Wantlist/AddWantlistDetail’, params, {
withCredentials: true,
timeout: 20000
}).then(function (response) {
if ( == “OK”) {
$(“#WantlistListAddDone_” + id).show();

setTimeout(function () {
$(“#WantlistListAddDone_” + id).hide();
}, 3000);

if (“iteminfo” == “iteminfo”) {
var count = Number($(“#WantlistAddBtn3”).attr(“data-badge”));
if (isNaN(count)) {
count = 0;
$(“#WantlistAddBtn3”).attr(“data-badge”, count);
} else if ( == “DuplicationError”) {

setTimeout(function () {
}, 2500);
} else {

setTimeout(function () {
}, 2500);
}).catch(function (error) {
// handle error
WarnLog(“欲しい物リスト商品追加処理失敗。 ” + error);

setTimeout(function () {
}, 2500);

return false;
}).finally(function () {
// always executed
InfoLog(“欲しい物リスト商品追加処理 END”);
AddWantlistDetailProcesing = false;

var AddWantlistProcesing = false;
function MakeNewWantlist() {
InfoLog(“欲しい物リスト追加処理 START”);


closeExisting: false,
showClose: false

InfoLog(“欲しい物リスト追加処理 END”);

function MakeNewWantlistInner(){
InfoLog(“欲しい物リスト追加処理 「実」 START”);

if (!AddWantlistProcesing) {
AddWantlistProcesing = true;
var token = $(‘input[name=”__RequestVerificationToken”]’).val(); const params = new FormData(); params.append(‘__RequestVerificationToken’, token); params.append(‘newWantlistName’, $(“#InputNewWantlistName”).val());‘/ec/Wantlist/AddWantlist’, params, { withCredentials: true, timeout: 20000 }).then(function (response) { InfoLog(“Wishlist item added successfully. Wishlist will be redrawn.”); DisplayWantlistList(); }).catch(function (error) { // handle error WarnLog(“Failed to add wishlist item. ” + error); $(“#PopupAlertW”).html(“An error occurred while adding an item to the wishlist.”); $(“#PopupAlertW”).show(); setTimeout(function () { $(“#PopupAlertW”).hide(); }, 2500); }).finally(function () { // always executed InfoLog(“Add to wishlist process “Real” END”); AddWantlistProcesing = false; }); } };

2024-06-22 16:24:12
#Toshiya #MasudaSeven #Emperors #Judo #Chronicles #Big #Comics


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