after a heavy fall on the neck, Hungarian striker Varga evacuated on a stretcher

Despite its victory against Scotland (1-0), Hungary lost its center forward to injury on Sunday.

Hungarian striker Barnabas Varga was evacuated on a stretcher on Sunday during the match between Scotland and Hungary, after a violent fall following aerial contact with the opposing goalkeeper. He was immediately rushed to hospital with a neck brace.

On a Hungarian free kick in the 68th minute, the 29-year-old fell violently on the back of his neck and was immediately placed in a side safety position by his teammates as he appeared unable to move.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the emergency services finally intervened to evacuate him from the field to applause, after his partners, very touched by the scene, formed a circle around him by unrolling a brown sheet.

According to information from German broadcaster Magenta TV, Barnabas Varga was conscious and talking when he was taken to hospital in Stuttgart.


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