After its new Cup-Top 14 double, where will Stade Toulousain stop?

There is the raw result, this 23rd Brennus shield and this second Champions Cup-Top 14 double in three years, which already says a lot about the current supremacy of Stade Toulousain on the hexagonal and even transcontinental scene. And then there is the manner, these 9 tries planted in the final against UBB, this record river score of 59-3 which also shows the gigantic gap which separates today the red and black club from its adversaries. History will tell in a few years, when the leaders of this generation will have passed the baton, if this Toulouse deserves to be considered as the most beautiful team in the history of the club, or even in the history of the Championship. Opinions are still divided on the subject. But all agree on one point: Antoine Dupont and his partners still seem far from having finished with their harvest of trophies. And this for at least three reasons.


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