Aitor Calle Introduced as New Coach of Numancia: Ready to Lead the Team to Success

Patricio de Pedro welcomed the new coach and wished him “many success.” Alex Huerta, for his part, has highlighted Aitor Calle’s great career at Sestao River, the club he comes from, “where he has completed three successful years.” “We know,” added Huerta, “that Aitor had more options because he has been one of the most successful coaches, so we appreciate the effort he has made for wanting to come to Numancia.”

In addition, Alex Huerta has confirmed that Pablo Ayuso will be Calle’s second coach and that David Salazar will continue as goalkeeping coach after renewing his contract this week. Pablo Ayuso returns to the club a year later and will do so as Aitor Calle’s assistant, completing a very Soria coaching staff waiting to close the coaching staff with the hiring of a physical trainer.

For Aitor Calle, “today is a very special day to be in Soria and return to the origins, and I want to thank the trust of a club to which I come with a great desire to return it to where it deserves to be.” «With enthusiasm, desire and work, no one is going to beat us»; The new rojillo coach has pointed out, who has pointed out that with each passing day he is more convinced that it is the “best decision I have been able to make.”

Questioned by informants about his playing style, Aitor Calle has insisted on a couple of occasions that his goal is to “win,” making it clear that “we are going to be in a category in which the scenario changes every weekend, so “You have to understand at every moment what it takes to win.”

“I know these fans, they are demanding and very loyal,” Calle highlighted the importance of the Numantina fans in this project. “We alone are not going to be able to pull this off and I know that people are very committed to the team and the club, so our goal is for them to leave proud when they see the team and for my part that will not be the case.”

“Let them have the feeling that each player gives everything on the field and gives their all for this city and for the shield,” Aitor Calle concluded.

If you want to see the full press conference, click here:

2024-06-26 00:35:03
#Numancia #president #Patricio #Pedro #sports #director #Alex #Huerta #presented #Aitor #Calle #Hernández


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