Alberto Márcico Criticizes Benedetto and Rojo in Boca Juniors Squad

Márcico targeted Pipa Benedetto and Marcos Rojo

Boca Juniors’ present is not the best and the person who gave his opinion on it was Alberto Márcico, former soccer player and idol of many Xeneizes fans. The former number 10 pointed to the references Darío Benedetto and Marcos Rojo, although he also made a general criticism of the squad and focused on the work of Diego Martínez, blue and gold strategist.

“What Boca did with Benedetto is good. He hasn’t had a performance consistent with a Boca player for 8 or 9 months. He falls as a mature man. After the match with Corinthians (the day he missed his penalty in the final round of the Libertadores) he was a different Benedetto, he never recovered. He scored the goal against River with a header, but he never recovered. And he had opportunities, huh. If his cycle is finished? “A while ago,” was Beto’s sentence towards Pipa, who already spoke with the board to request his departure from the club.

Later, in dialogue with Radio Miter, Rojo was targeted: “He is a phenomenon, but when he plays extra there is the risk of being kicked out. Every time he played extra, they kicked him out. The first kick he gives to Pellegrino in Platense is something incredible. You become conditioned. Then he wanted to throw the ball forward, it stung him badly and he smacked it. Was severe? No, but it was conditioned by the yellow and you go out.”

And he followed it against the Boca defender: “There are things that have to be corrected, it is not Passarella, there is a huge difference. And he already has four red cards in different games. I think he played 85 games and didn’t finish them all. There is something to correct, it is not enough to have played in two World Cups and have experience. Of 200 games, he played 85. No, he has to play a minimum of 160. He is not enough to be runner-up in the world. You are in Boca and you have to prove it. Until now he has not shared his experience here.”

Benedetto and Rojo, those targeted by Beto Márcico in Boca

“Boca lacks intelligence and, at times, conduct. Talking is the role that Román has to play. We have to see how it arrives. “Some player can take it one way and another another,” Márcico said about the conversation that president Juan Román Riquelme had with the team this week. Meanwhile, he analyzed that the transfer market will be key: “It will have to be important. Boca has to bring good starters and substitutes. Boca lacks a bank. I liked Briasco and Janson, yes, but they did not have the same performance as in other teams and they already had their chances.”

There were also questions for Diego Martínez: “The first mistake is his in the draw against Fortaleza. He always makes a lot of gestures, but that time he didn’t make any. They all went to head and left no one for the counterattack. And it’s not the first time. Nobody told Blanco to cut it there. It doesn’t matter if he is red.” In addition, he specified another negative characteristic of Boca according to his vision: “It is a vulnerable team when it attacks, I don’t like it to go up with both midfielders and full-backs at the same time. You have to have a balance, a midfielder like Pol Fernández who is not going to renew now and Boca is going to have a hard time filling that place.”

Finally, he indicated which competition Xeneize should give priority to: “If you give me the choice, I prefer the two Argentine championships and leave out the South American one. The fan asks you for next year’s Libertadores. The Argentine Cup and the final table are going to be much easier than the South American Cup, which is screwed. Boca is going to lose players and you will find teams of the same height as you. It is more even than the local championship. “Boca can be left out in the heads-up.”

2024-06-06 22:38:00
#Beto #Márcico #controversy #Benedetto #Boca #pointed #acidic #phrase #Marcos #Rojo


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