Alghero Sports Associations Demand Respect and Action from Mayoral Candidates

Home > Alghero Eco > Sport > Alghero, “I Fuori Casa” meet the Mayoral candidates

“The group of city sports associations that carry out their activities outside the city spoke with Tedde and Cacciotto: “We didn’t ask for the moon, but only respect and sharing with concrete actions that finally demonstrate the attention we deserve”

“The group of city sports associations that carry out their activities outside the city, calling itself “I Fuori Casa” (Asd Alghero Bike, Asd AlivaVolley Alghero, Asd Alguerunners, Asd Catalana Baseball & Softball Alghero, Asd Coral Basket Alghero, FCAlghero, Asd Futsal Alghero, Asd Sardegna Powerlifting), the meetings with the two candidates for the office of Mayor of the Municipality of Alghero concluded on Monday. In a climate of total serenity and renewed trust for a fruitful collaboration between the world of sport and the municipal administration, the two candidates listened and took note of the needs of the various associations, experiencing first-hand the change taking place.

“A radical change is underway, started by the “I Fuori Casa” associations which is dragging the entire city sports movement like a tsunami and which in an active and collaborative manner asks to be listened to and no longer neglected” – declare the representatives of the associations . The group asks the entire political class, the ruling class and the economic world of the city for a change of pace, “a change of paradigm – they explain -. Rights and duties on the same level, without having to beg for rights and be forced into duties that are not always the same for everyone. City sport needs to recover, to raise the bar of skills and to take the space it deserves within an important community like the one in Alghero”.

“We want to be collaborative, proactive in our proposals and we will prove ourselves consequent in our actions, but we would also be equally determined not to retreat an inch towards our needs and those of city sport. We didn’t ask for the moon, but only for respect and sharing with concrete actions that finally demonstrate the attention we deserve: Department of Sports with a delegation distinct from the others and managed by a person who guarantees everyone without direct personal interests in the city’s sports associations; establishment of the Sports Council;
Sports office structured appropriately to the needs of the city; official dedicated to sports facilities within the state property office for all technical needs; programming and design dedicated to sports facilities and the needs of federation championships and/or tournaments; decisive resolution of the problem of the use of gyms in the Province of Sassari for competitions”.

“We wish the two candidates good luck, confident that in Alghero there is finally the desire to listen, share and work for the common good” – concluded the sports associations Asd Alghero Bike, Asd AlivaVolley Alghero, Asd Alguerunners, Asd Catalan Baseball & Softball Alghero, Asd Coral Basket Alghero, FCAlghero, Asd Futsal Alghero, Asd Sardegna Powerlifting

2024-06-05 14:27:23
#Alghero #Fuori #Casa #meet #mayoral #candidates



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