Allegations of Corruption: Former KPK Chairman Accused of Receiving Money

JAKARTA – Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Alexander Marwata, said that statements in the trial cannot be simply followed up. There must be other evidence, such as other witnesses who knew the events being conveyed. This was conveyed by Alexander Marwata in response to the allegations that former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri received money from former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. The incident was revealed by the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kasdi Subagyono. “The testimony of the witness is not isolated. There is no other evidence, for example, there are witnesses who saw the delivery of the money, to whom the money was handed over? Where it was handed over,” Alexander told reporters when confirming, Tuesday, June 24. Alexander continued that what Kasdi said in the trial could be raw material. “If the only person who explains from the giver, without any monetary evidence, can be interpreted as the recipient,” he asserted. “The proof of the bribery case is not easy, based only on the witness statements of the giver,” Alexander continued.Meanwhile, KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardika said that the testimony given by Kasdi will be followed up. “Investigators will investigate this,” KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardika told reporters in a written statement, Monday, June 24. “As long as there is an active investigation order,” he continued. As previously reported, Kasdi Subagyono, former secretary general of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), revealed that funds of IDR 800 million were raised for former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. In his trial statement on Wednesday, June 19, he said that the money was for conditioning the case of purchasing cows that was being handled. Syahrul also conveyed the same message. In fact, he mentioned Firli, who asked him to come to GOR badminton in the Central Jakarta area. “Mr. Firli only invited me to come to GOR, to watch or participate in badminton. In essence, this is what I understood first,” SYL said at the hearing at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, June 24. Hearing the testimony, the judge asked SYL about the meeting with Firli Bahuri, except for the badminton culvert. He then agreed and said that Firli Bahuri invited him to continue the negotiations at home. “That’s right, and then he told me that it would be better to chat at my house later. He did not convey that in Kertanegara,” SYL said. “Yes, what was the issue that you and Firli Bahuri talked about? Does it have anything to do with the investigation of the Ministry of Agriculture KPK?” Hakim asked. “In general, there is no such delivery,” SYL replied. The judge continued to ask SYL several more questions. Until finally hinting at the remittance of money. SYL also claimed to have handed over the money to the former chairman of the KPK twice. “The money from Suadara has been handed over, he said yes. How many times?” the judge asked. “My one was twice,” SYL said. “Initially it was 500 and 800, right?” the judge asked the witness. “Yes, more or less like that,” SYL said.

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2024-06-25 06:29:16
#Alexander #Marwata #Bela #Firli #Bahuri #receiving #funds #SYL #independent #witness


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